

Taste the Region

When you vis­it Butte Coun­ty, you’ll dis­cov­er a lit­tle-known culi­nary des­ti­na­tion that serves up food and drink that reflect the unique fla­vors of the region. Whether for dine-in or take-out, you’ll taste for your­self the robust and var­ied culi­nary scene that Butte Coun­ty has to offer. From fine din­ing to greasy spoons, pubs to break­fast joints, farm-to-fork fare to inter­na­tion­al inspi­ra­tion, you’ll leave the area with a full bel­ly and a list of places to try when you return.


Share pho­tos and videos of your culi­nary adven­tures with us direct­ly or on Insta­gram using #Taste­But­te­Coun­ty for a chance to be featured!

Taste /Restaurants