Chico Getaway Artist

“Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives" in Chico

Over the years, Chico—already a well-known col­lege town—has been cul­ti­vat­ing a rep­u­ta­tion as a food­ie des­ti­na­tion in the North State. With local access to deli­cious fresh pro­duce and eas­i­ly acces­si­ble fresh meats and fish, the city’s restau­rant scene fea­tures some of the best food in the whole county.

Chico might have been an under-the-radar cui­sine loca­tion before, but now the secret’s out. With a vis­it from Guy Fieri and Din­ers, Dri­ve-Ins, and Dives,” every­one else now knows what the locals have long known — that Chico is a great place for a good meal.

Dis­cov­er what Guy Fieri had to say about the Chico favorites he visited!


Grana fea­tures local­ly sourced, farm-to-fork dish­es with a Ital­ian wood-fired oven at the cen­ter of the restaurant.

Fea­tured Dish­es: Braised pork shoul­der ragu with house­made pas­ta and sal­sa verde; Wine-braised chick­en leg with white ched­dar polenta

Guy’s Ver­dict: Great ingre­di­ents, done right. That should be the tagline — this is as good as it comes.”

Watch It: Com­ing Togeth­er in Cali,” Sea­son 29, Episode 18

Upper Crust Bak­ery & Café

A Chico sta­ple for 30 years, Upper Crust is a bakery/​café/​restaurant all in one that makes every­thing in-house and from scratch.

Fea­tured Dish­es: Black bean chili with a cheesy jalapeño corn muf­fin; Kore­an pork sal­ad with braised pork and crispy shallots

Guy’s Ver­dict: That’s like lights-out good.”

Watch It: Com­ing Togeth­er in Cali,” Sea­son 29, Episode 18


Momona serves up West Coast-style noo­dles and bao with Japan­ese, Hawai­ian, and Tai­wan influences.

Fea­tured Dish­es: Mochiko Fried Chick­en Bao with a spicy aioli and fres­no chilis; Chico Ramen with roast­ed chick­en dashi, shoyu chick­en, and wavy ramen noodles.

Guy’s Ver­dict: If I was recruit­ing peo­ple to come to [Chico State], I would invite them to have this — it’s delicious.”

Watch It: Not Your Every­day Eats,” Sea­son 29, Episode 20

The Raw­bar Restau­rant & Sushi

Since 2002, The Raw­bar has been a pop­u­lar fusion/​Asian sushi bar serv­ing rolls, bowls, small dish­es, and hot bites.

Fea­tured Dish­es: Tom katai steam­er fea­tur­ing a vari­ety of shell­fish and Thai chili coconut milk broth; pork bel­ly bibim­bap with a crispy rice cake and a fried egg.

Guy’s Ver­dict: I want­ed that to be great. It’s not great — it’s phenomenal!”

Watch It: Stand­out Seafood,” Sea­son 30, Episode 5

Sin of Cortez

Sin of Cortez is an all-Amer­i­can cof­fee and break­fast house fea­tur­ing fresh, home­made clas­sic din­er dishes.

Fea­tured Dish­es: Cortez French Toast with fresh­ly baked cin­na­mon bread and fruit purée; Drag­on Potatoes with slow-roast­ed car­ni­tas and crispy rose­mary potatoes

Guy’s Ver­dict: I don’t know that I’ve found many places in the trav­els of DDD quite like this.”

Watch It: Burg­ers and Break­fast,” Sea­son 29, Episode 19

“Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives" in Chico

The Ban­shee

A bar with real­ly good food, The Ban­shee offers an inter­na­tion­al fla­vor-inspired menu along­side tra­di­tion­al pub favorites.

Fea­tured Dish­es: Phở French dip sand­wich with brisket and phở au ju; Bánh mì Tacos with pulled pork and house­made adobo sauce

Guy’s Ver­dict: Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom — deli­cious. Phở-get about it.”

Watch It: Com­ing Togeth­er in Cali,” Sea­son 29, Episode 18