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Top Events and Activities in May in Butte County

With a vari­ety of events and attrac­tions, Butte Coun­ty is a great spot to explore in the month of May! From con­certs to fes­ti­vals, road trips to bike rides, Butte Coun­ty has it all. So get ready to explore some of the top things to do in Butte Coun­ty in May.

Cel­e­brate Nation­al Bike Month

May is Nation­al Bike Month, and what bet­ter way to cel­e­brate it than tak­ing a bike ride in Butte Coun­ty? The region has sev­er­al bike-friend­ly trails and scenic routes that offer a unique way to explore the area. The Guardian Trail in Chico, Bid­well Canyon Trail in Oroville, and Mid­way Bike Path through Durham are just a few pop­u­lar routes that offer stun­ning views of the sur­round­ing land­scapes. So, rent a bike or bring your own, and hit the trails to expe­ri­ence the nat­ur­al beau­ty of Butte Coun­ty up close. Don’t for­get to pack a pic­nic lunch and some sun­screen to make the most of your bik­ing adventure.

Spend Fri­day Night at a Free Con­cert in the Park

Kick off the week­end with a free con­cert dur­ing Oroville’s Spring Con­certs in the Park start­ing May 3, 2024 at the scenic River­bend Park. The fam­i­ly friend­ly event is per­fect for enjoy­ing local live music by tal­ent­ed bands. Every Fri­day in May, shop local ven­dors from 4pm-8pm, with live music from 6pm-8pm.

Cel­e­brate Feath­er Fies­ta Days

As Oroville’s pre­mier home­town cel­e­bra­tion, Feath­er Fies­ta Days has been a local favorite for gen­er­a­tions. The annu­al week­end cel­e­bra­tion fea­tures a parade, clas­sic car show, local ven­dors, live music, and more across the city. Head to Down­town Oroville May 3 – 5, 2024 for a vari­ety of activ­i­ties, with the BIG day of events on Saturday.

Top Events and Activities in May in Butte County

Sat­is­fy Your Sweet Tooth at the Par­adise Choco­late Fest

Call­ing all choco­late lovers! The Par­adise Choco­late Fest returns May 11, 2024 with a day choc’-ful fun and deli­cious activ­i­ties, includ­ing a choco­late pie eat­ing con­test, Choco­late Cui­sine Chal­lenge, and of course, choco­late tast­ings. Indulge in your favorite sweets while enjoy­ing live music, kids activ­i­ties, and oth­er (savory) food vendors.

Hon­or Local First Respon­ders at Red Sus­penders Day

Always the third Sat­ur­day in May, Red Sus­penders Day is a clas­sic Gri­d­ley event that hon­ors local fire­fight­ers and police. Since 1961, this fam­i­ly friend­ly event has fea­tured a parade run­ning through his­toric Down­town Gri­d­ley as well as local ven­dors, a clas­sic car show, firemen’s games, and more.

Take a Road Trip Through Butte County

Cel­e­brate Nation­al Road Trip Day the Fri­day before Memo­r­i­al Day with a road trip to (or through) Butte Coun­ty! The region is home to some of Cal­i­for­ni­a’s most scenic dri­ves, includ­ing the Feath­er Riv­er Scenic Byway, the Sky­way through Par­adise Ridge, and High­way 32, which all offer breath­tak­ing views of the moun­tains, val­leys, and rivers. If you’re look­ing for a more guid­ed expe­ri­ence, check out our list of road trip itin­er­aries! So pack your bags, fuel up your car, and hit the road!

Butte Coun­ty in May is an excel­lent time to explore the region and par­tic­i­pate in some of the excit­ing events and activ­i­ties. Whether you’re a music lover, a choco­late enthu­si­ast, or an adven­ture seek­er, Butte Coun­ty has some­thing for everyone.