Chico Getaway Artist

The Tank District in Meriam Park: The Ultimate Guide

Meri­am Park in south­east Chico is a cycling- and pedes­tri­an-cen­tric com­mu­ni­ty built around a Green Riv­er” of open space that con­nects every res­i­dent and user to the region­al trail net­work, Bid­well Park, and the local active lifestyle. The mixed-use com­mu­ni­ty bal­ances access to retail, res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial ameni­ties in such a way that each sup­ports the other.

With­in Meri­am Park, The Tank District fea­tures restau­rants, bars, retail, and event space all steps from each oth­er, mak­ing it easy to spend sev­er­al hours shop­ping, din­ing, and hav­ing fun!

The Tank Dis­trict con­tin­ues to grow and add new busi­ness­es, so we’ve put togeth­er a list of some of our favorites.

The Barn

Built from a 110-year-old barn that was tak­en apart and recon­struct­ed at Meri­am Park, The Barn is the main hub for activ­i­ties at the Tank Dis­trict. The Barn offers live music, food truck events, com­e­dy nights, and more, in a rus­tic, semi-out­door set­ting. There’s even a dri­ve-in movie the­ater dur­ing the sum­mer for a retro night out.

Bur­ban Kitchen

One of the first restau­rants to open in Meri­am Park, Bur­ban Kitchen is a New Amer­i­can estab­lish­ment that com­bines cre­ative fla­vor com­bi­na­tions and organ­ic, local­ly sourced and sus­tain­able ingre­di­ents. Locat­ed just steps from The Barn, it’s the per­fect place for the din­ner part of a din­ner-and-a-show evening.

Day­camp Coffee

A few doors down from Bur­ban Kitchen, Day­camp Cof­fee offers fresh, sea­son­al cof­fees that are care­ful­ly sourced and roast­ed along with a vari­ety of espres­so drinks, teas, pas­tries, and oth­er treats. With a name influ­enced by an Upper Park swim­ming hole and the idea of rest­ing before con­tin­u­ing one’s jour­ney, Day­camp Cof­fee encour­ages vis­i­tors to enjoy some pro­vi­sions in the bright and mod­ern space, where you’ll find plen­ty of space to work, read, or sim­ply relax.

Farm­ers Brew­ery Restau­rant and Taproom

A favorite in near­by Prince­ton, the Farm­ers Brew­ery Restau­rant and Tap­room in Chico serves up favorites from Farm­ers Brew­ing Co.‘s line of beer. Brew­ing its beer with grains grown right on their farm, the 100% fam­i­ly-owned estab­lish­ment prides itself on being a farm to glass” brew­ery. Get ready to taste its clean, crisp, and easy drink­ing” beers, a great addi­tion to Chico’s already robust craft beer scene.

The Tank District in Meriam Park: The Ultimate Guide

Live Life Juice Co.

Long a favorite of the Down­town Chico land­scape, there’s now more to love about Live Life Juice Co. with its Meri­am Park loca­tion. Along with its 100% organ­ic fresh cold-pressed, local­ly made juices, Live Life Juice Co. also offers gluten-free, veg­an, plant-based food, veg­an soft serve ice cream, and to-order veg­an pies. With lim­it­ed sea­son­al blends in addi­tion to year-round favorites, there are plen­ty of deli­cious rea­sons for repeat visits.

The Tank District in Meriam Park: The Ultimate Guide

Roselle Bar & Lounge

For an upscale cock­tail expe­ri­ence plus ele­vat­ed small plates, head to Roselle Bar & Lounge. With veg­an, veg­e­tar­i­an, keto, and gluten-free options, it’s the per­fect spot for you and all your friends to catch up over deli­cious and inven­tive cock­tails (and mocktails!). 

The Tank District in Meriam Park: The Ultimate Guide

Savor Ice Cream

A night out isn’t com­plete with­out some dessert, and Savor Ice Cream is the per­fect end to an evening out. This arti­san ice cream shop fea­tures hand-craft­ed favorite fla­vors in veg­an- (with ded­i­cat­ed equip­ment) and dairy-based options along with unique sea­son­al options. Get ready to enjoy a scoop on-site or a few pints to-go.

Sweet Flower

For those look­ing to for a specif­i­cal­ly dif­fer­ent way to indulge, Sweet Flower has you cov­ered. Chico’s first dis­pen­sary offers a wide range of cannabis flower, edi­bles, con­cen­trates, and more, in a bright and airy space. Friend­ly and knowl­edge­able staff are ready to help you find the per­fect product.

The Tank District in Meriam Park: The Ultimate Guide