Multiple Cities Getaway Artist

Butte County’s Must-Try Outdoor Dining Destinations

Shorts and san­dals weath­er means it’s time to take advan­tage of Butte Coun­ty’s great out­doors and sat­is­fy your crav­ings at the same time. From casu­al to upscale din­ing expe­ri­ences, there are plen­ty of great restau­rants in the area that offer out­door seat­ing. Here are some of the best spots to eat out­doors in Butte County.



With a prime loca­tion on the Sky­way, the patio at Nic’s is a Par­adise Ridge favorite most days, but is espe­cial­ly sought after as an excel­lent spot to watch local parades and oth­er events through­out the year. Nic’s deli­cious char­cu­terie boards, flat­breads, pani­nis, and wines taste that much bet­ter when enjoyed outside.

Yan­kee Hill

Rock House Din­ing & Espresso

Dine alfres­co at hand-built rock walls, made with rocks from local riverbeds, or on an expand­ed and ren­o­vat­ed out­door patio at Rock House Din­ing & Espres­so. The orig­i­nal build­ing was destroyed in the Camp Fire, but the orig­i­nal rock walls remain, cre­at­ing a unique din­ing expe­ri­ence for din­er favorites, beer, wine, espres­so and cof­fee drinks, and smoothies.

Butte County’s Must-Try Outdoor Dining Destinations



Tucked in the back of its his­toric build­ing in Down­town Oroville, the patio at Pro­vi­sions feels a lit­tle like a secret gar­den. With tall build­ings on either side, Pro­vi­sions’ patio gets more shade through­out the day, which is great for when you still want to be out­side enjoy­ing a meal on those espe­cial­ly sun­ny days.

Union Patio Bar Grill

With a prime loca­tion in the heart of Down­town Oroville, Union Patio Bar Grill is a local favorite. Its expan­sive patio has a stage for fre­quent live music per­for­mance, an out­door bar, and plen­ty of shade and mis­ters to keep you cool in the summer.


The Allies Pub

With an inti­mate and shad­ed patio (com­plete with an ivy-cov­ered brick wall) and a some­what hid­den loca­tion in Down­town Chico, The Allies Pub is a local favorite for out­door din­ing. Savor authen­tic and ele­vat­ed Eng­lish pub fare and dis­tinc­tive British beers in a seclud­ed and shady spot.

Butte County’s Must-Try Outdoor Dining Destinations

Farm­ers Brew­ing Restau­rant and Taproom

Beer lovers should head to Farm­ers Brew­ing Restau­rant and Tap­room at Meri­am Park to savor a pint (or flight) on its exten­sive patio. With corn hole and oth­er games, mis­ters for those espe­cial­ly hot Chico days, and a full menu to enjoy, it’s easy to spend a few hours on the patio at Farm­ers Brewing.

The Raw­bar Restau­rant & Sushi

A con­tem­po­rary and vibrant sushi bar, The Raw­bar Restau­rant & Sushi serves some of the best sushi in town — plus an unbeat­able patio din­ing expe­ri­ence. With a prime loca­tion right across the street from the City Plaza, Raw­bar is the place to see and be seen (and of course, enjoy fresh rolls and cold drinks).

Red Tav­ern

The upscale Red Tav­ern is known for its fine din­ing expe­ri­ence and excel­lent wine selec­tion. Its inti­mate out­door patio — fea­tur­ing a boc­ce court, mature trees, and twin­kling lights — is the per­fect spot for a roman­tic din­ner or a spe­cial occa­sion while enjoy­ing New Amer­i­can cuisine.

Wine Time

A north Chico favorite, Wine Time boasts an invit­ing and inti­mate patio per­fect for enjoy­ing a glass of wine with friends. The adja­cent scenic gar­den, com­plete with run­ning water, adds to the cozy atmos­phere, which only enhances the deli­cious fla­vors of their sea­son­al­ly chang­ing menu (which always fea­tures fan­tas­tic veg­an options).

Butte County’s Must-Try Outdoor Dining Destinations

No mat­ter what type of cui­sine or din­ing expe­ri­ence you’re look­ing for, Butte Coun­ty has a wide range of out­door din­ing options to choose from. So, whether you’re look­ing for a casu­al bite or a spe­cial night out, be sure to check out these fan­tas­tic restau­rants and enjoy the great out­doors while you dine.