Multiple Cities Agritourism & Locally Grown Food & Beverage Bakeries & Sweets Breweries

Five Must-Try Locally Made Butte County Treats

There are a ton of rea­sons to sup­port local busi­ness­es: It helps pro­mote their abil­i­ty to con­tin­ue to make their prod­ucts, it sup­ports fam­i­lies who live in Butte Coun­ty, and it helps keep mon­ey in the area. But the main rea­son to try these local­ly made goods is sim­ple: They’re just plain great!

From well-known clas­sics to small-batch sur­pris­es, here are five Butte Coun­ty-made prod­ucts you have to try.

Beer Brit­tle from Joy Lyn’s Candies

An out­stand­ing can­dy mak­er in Par­adise, Joy Lyn’s Can­dies is a nation­al award-win­ning con­fec­tion­er. One taste of their choco­late and oth­er sweets — bet­ter than the big brand names — you’ll dis­cov­er for your­self why they’re beloved in Butte County.

One of the can­dy mak­er’s most well-known and pop­u­lar con­fec­tions is their Beer Brit­tle, a peanut brit­tle made with the afore­men­tioned Pale Ale. Made in small batch­es since Joy Lyn’s intro­duced it in 2009, the same hints of hops and malt found in Pale Ale show up among the but­tery, salty and sweet com­bi­na­tion you’d expect to find in a clas­sic peanut brittle. 

Tea from Chico Chai

A Chico favorite since 2004, Chico Chai is sells a sig­na­ture masala chai blend made with whole, cer­ti­fied organ­ic ingre­di­ents that is blend­ed with fair trade, organ­ic tea, sim­mered in small batch­es. Now served in fine cof­fee­hous­es all over North­ern Cal­i­for­nia, you can still pick up fresh­ly brewed chai at the local Chico Sat­ur­day farm­ers mar­ket week­ly for a deli­cious pick-me-up.

Maisie Jane’s Nut Products

Durham-based Maisie Jane’s Cal­i­for­nia Sun­shine Prod­ucts offer a wide range of tasty good­ies, from dried fruits, pies, hon­ey and choco­late, but there’s no mis­tak­ing the Bertagna Orchards’ top sell­er: almonds.

An ever-grow­ing line­up of fla­vored, smoked, nat­ur­al and con­fec­tionery nuts is on offer at Maisie Jane’s, and there is a mas­sive selec­tion of gift options as well. If you were mak­ing a tastes of Butte Coun­ty” bas­ket for some­one out of the loop, Maisie Jane’s would be a great place to start.

Five Must-Try Locally Made Butte County Treats

Shubert’s Ice Cream

It doesn’t mat­ter what your favorite fla­vor is — it’s hard to go wrong at Shubert’s Ice Cream. Once fin­ish­ing sec­ond among Good Morn­ing, Amer­i­ca nation­al polling for best tast­ing ice cream,” Shubert’s has been a main­stay of Down­town Chico cul­ture since 1938, using many local ingre­di­ents and much of the shop’s orig­i­nal equip­ment, too. In Chico’s hot sum­mers, it’s a com­mon sight to see fam­i­lies packed around Shubert’s front doors, enjoy­ing malts, cones, sun­daes and banana splits. We can’t tell you which fla­vor is best, but we can tell you that Chico Mint is the one that made the splash among nation­al media. The beau­ty of ice cream shops is, and always will be, tiny tast­ing spoons. See for your­self what the hype is about.

Five Must-Try Locally Made Butte County Treats

Sier­ra Neva­da Pale Ale

If you’re vis­it­ing Butte Coun­ty and have nev­er tried the brew that start­ed it all for Sier­ra Neva­da Brew­ing Co., you owe your­self a pint of Pale Ale. The famous­ly green-labeled beer wasn’t the Chico icon’s first — that was actu­al­ly a stout — but it cer­tain­ly is the flag­ship bev­er­age that sparked Sier­ra Nevada’s rise to craft brew­ing promi­nence across the country.

You can get a Pale Ale all over North Amer­i­ca, but snag­ging a draught in the Chico tap­room is an icon­ic Chico expe­ri­ence and not to be missed by any beer enthusiast.

Five Must-Try Locally Made Butte County Treats