Chico Beer Lover Outdoor Adventurer Biking Casual

Great Places to Enjoy a Post-Ride Meal

After many miles and an exhil­a­rat­ing ride work­ing up a sweat, it’s time to rest and refu­el. Across Butte Coun­ty, you can find many excel­lent spots for a post-ride meal and drink. Explore a few of the rec­om­men­da­tions below.

Sit Down and Refuel

Enjoy burg­ers, pub fare, patios per­fect for peo­ple watch­ing, and more at these restaurants

Burg­ers and Brew

On Burg­ers and Brews Down­town Chico patio, you can keep an eye on your bike while refu­el­ing with a hearty burg­er or one of 30 beers on tap. After­wards, you can eas­i­ly explore Down­town Chico before hop­ping on your bike for more adventures.

Park­side Tap House

Just around the cor­ner on West 3rd, you can enjoy some cre­ative com­fort food at Park­side Tap House, where you can relax for lunch or din­ner on its huge out­door patio, com­plete with games such as corn­hole and giant Jen­ga. Pair your meal with one of over 20 beers on tap, and share a plate or two with your bud­dies after a long ride. Even your four-legged friends are wel­come here!

Tres Hom­bres

If you’re look­ing for some­thing oth­er than a burg­er or pub fare, head back to Broad­way to grab a patio seat at Tres Hom­bres, which serves mod­ern Mex­i­can food and its long-run­ning Best of Chico” mar­gar­i­tas. Its out­door patio is per­fect­ly locat­ed for ample peo­ple-watch­ing while enjoy­ing a frozen mar­gari­ta and fresh gua­camole. With Chico State and Down­town Chico near­by, you can fill up and then hop on your bike to explore more afterwards.

Rich­vale Café

From Chico, you can ride down the Mid­way, a clas­sic, almond tree-lined road that takes you to Rich­vale, and near the end of it, you’ll find the Rich­vale Café. If you’re enjoy­ing a week­day morn­ing ride, you have to stop at this cozy coun­try din­er for its always hot cof­fee and hearty food. It’s the per­fect stop before head­ing on to Oroville for more rid­ing or before return­ing to Chico, and a great place to expe­ri­ence the small-town charm found through­out Butte County.

Beer First, Then Food

Reward your ride with a cold one in Butte County

Secret Trail Brew­ing Co.

In Chico, head over to Secret Trail Brew­ing Co., where you can enjoy a few pints in the com­fort­able, rus­tic-mod­ern tap­room. Don’t wor­ry if you end up feel­ing a lit­tle peck­ish — most nights of the week, there are food trucks on site to help sat­is­fy your crav­ings. What­ev­er you crave, Secret Trail wants to help you Live and Drink Off the Beat­en Path!”

Sier­ra Neva­da Brew­ing Co.

For most peo­ple, a vis­it to the famous Sier­ra Neva­da Brew­ing Co. is a must if you’re rid­ing through the area. Its Tap­room and Restau­rant serves up 19 of its famous beers on tap to pair with its exten­sive menu of dish­es made with local, sea­son­al, and sus­tain­able ingre­di­ents. Enjoy a sam­pling flight on the out­door patio and a hearty meal sure to get you refu­eled for your next ride.

The Han­dle Bar

If you’re look­ing to real­ly lean in to a bike-themed day, you’ll want to stop at The Han­dle Bar, a Chico main­stay since 2012. This bicy­cle-themed bar next door to Per­for­mance Bicy­cle offers 20 taps of spe­cial­ty and craft beers and a Ger­man-inspired pub menu. You can park your bike on the beau­ti­ful patio and enjoy an after­noon with friends, or catch a game on one of their big screen TVs inside.

Great Places to Enjoy a Post-Ride Meal