Multiple Cities Getaway Artist Wineries

Getaway Artist: Discover Butte County's Weekend Delights

The work­week is almost over, and you’re look­ing for a short dri­ve that will pay off with a easy get­away week­end. Don’t wor­ry too much about mak­ing pre­cise plans; there’s plen­ty to do through­out Butte Coun­ty that you’ll find some­thing last-minute and fun!

Day One

Break­fast at Beatniks

Start the day at Beat­niks Cof­fee House & Break­fast Joint for cof­fee and break­fast. Grab the Jack Ker­ouac” if you are feel­ing healthy (poached eggs on spinach, topped with sun-dried toma­to rel­ish, feta and onions) and wash it down with the Beat­nicks Blend” pre­mi­um coffee.

Shop the Sat­ur­day Farm­ers Market

Every Sat­ur­day, rain or shine, locals and vis­i­tors alike can enjoy the abun­dance of Butte Coun­ty farm-fresh pro­duce, local­ly made goods, and more at the Sat­ur­day Chico Cer­ti­fied Farm­ers Mar­ket. It’s your one-stop spot for the fresh­est region­al goods!

Explore Down­town Chico

Across the street from the Sat­ur­day Farm­ers Mar­ket is the heart of Down­town Chico. A hotspot of shop­ping, din­ing, and fun times with a friend­ly, down-to-Earth col­lege vibe, this is the epi­cen­ter of activ­i­ty in town. You’ll def­i­nite­ly want to explore for a while.

Getaway Artist: Discover Butte County's Weekend Delights

Get Cul­tured at monca

A mile from Down­town on the Esplanade, the Muse­um of North­ern Cal­i­for­nia Art (mon­ca) hous­es a col­lec­tion of paint­ings, prints, draw­ings, sculp­tures, and pho­tog­ra­phy from near­ly 100 artists in North­ern Cal­i­for­nia. See the best of North­ern Cal­i­for­nia artists in one place!

Getaway Artist: Discover Butte County's Weekend Delights

Stroll Through One Mile Recre­ation Area

If you pre­fer to dis­cov­er Chico’s nat­ur­al beau­ty, head to near­by One Mile Recre­ation Area, the per­fect place for a leisure­ly after­noon walk or pic­nic. Enjoy bar­be­cues. Soft­ball, horse­shoes, and more. Dur­ing warm weath­er, you can also enjoy a unique swim­ming expe­ri­ence in Sycamore Pool, a con­crete pool built around Big Chico Creek.

Sip at Almen­dra Win­ery & Distillery

Once you’re fin­ished explor­ing, enjoy din­ner and drinks at Almen­dra Win­ery & Dis­tillery in Durham. The fam­i­ly run win­ery and dis­tillery is ded­i­cat­ed to inno­v­a­tive spir­its and hand-craft­ed wines, which you can try in their tast­ing room. You can also enjoy a meal from their full-ser­vice restau­rant on site, which spe­cial­izes in small plates and piz­zas to share.

Getaway Artist: Discover Butte County's Weekend Delights

Rest Your Head

Head out to your hotel to get ready for tomorrow’s adventures. 

Day Two

Break­fast at Ear­ly Bird Donuts

Splurge on fresh donuts (or even cup­cakes!) from Ear­ly Bird Donuts, a sec­ond-gen­er­a­tion fam­i­ly run busi­ness, before you start your adven­tures for the day. Come in for a deli­cious pick-me-up (just make sure to come ear­ly enough as they often sell out).

Hike Table Moun­tain and Phan­tom Falls

Fueled for the morn­ing, explore Oroville by foot out on North Table Moun­tain Eco­log­i­cal Reserve. The beau­ti­ful mesa serves up a jaw-drop­ping spring wild­flower bloom, breath­tak­ing water­falls, and a chance to hike through a tru­ly unique nat­ur­al area just out­side of Oroville. Formed by ancient lava flows, the under­ly­ing basalt rock holds water, result­ing in stun­ning ver­nal pools and dra­mat­ic water­falls like Phan­tom Falls, which flows after win­ter rains. Make sure to bring a camera!

Explore Down­town Oroville

After your hike, enjoy an after­noon in Down­town Oroville, which is home to a vari­ety of antique stores and local­ly run restau­rants and bars. For an added twist to your tour, dis­cov­er the pub­lic art through­out Downtown.

Getaway Artist: Discover Butte County's Weekend Delights

Dine at Provisions

In the heart of Down­town Oroville, Pro­vi­sions serves casu­al yet ele­vat­ed Amer­i­can fare. Cen­tral­ly locat­ed, Pro­vi­sions is a smart des­ti­na­tion to enjoy spe­cial­ty cock­tails and live music before or after any scenic excursion. 

Getaway Artist: Discover Butte County's Weekend Delights

Head Upstream to the Lake Oroville Vis­i­tor Center

If you’re more inter­est­ed in water­ways than winer­ies, dri­ve upstream for a stop at the Lake Oroville Vis­i­tor Cen­ter. The cen­ter fea­tures a muse­um, exhibits, and videos about the dam and the sur­round­ing areas. You can also walk to the top of its 47-foot tow­er, where you can enjoy a spec­tac­u­lar panoram­ic view of Lake Oroville, the Sier­ra Nevadas, and the Sut­ter Buttes moun­tain range.