Getaway Artist Food & Beverage Casual

12 Delicious Food Trucks in Butte County

Find­ing food trucks in Cal­i­for­nia has nev­er been eas­i­er, and Butte Coun­ty hap­pi­ly claims its share of deli­cious mobile options to choose from! You can find your favorites at Fork in the Road , a favorite food truck event, ele­vate your event with food truck cater­ing, or sim­ply enjoy a deli­cious lunch. From tasty tacos to savory bar­be­cue to juicy burg­ers (and more), you’ll find the per­fect food truck in Butte Coun­ty. Don’t believe us? Here are some real Google and Yelp reviews from real din­ers rav­ing about their favorite mobile food spots — if you’re look­ing for your next great meal, this is a good place to start (and then explore any of the many more found through­out Butte County)!

Taco Trucks

Fies­ta Taco


Reg­u­lar­ly locat­ed at: 933 Nord Ave., Chico

What cus­tomers had to say: Pos­si­bly the best taco truck in the whole of the US. Excep­tion­al ser­vice, effi­cien­cy and out­stand­ing food for penny’s on what you would pay any­where else. I am pre­pared to say that their que­sadil­las have con­vert­ed me to choose that over a bur­ri­to.” ~Andrew L.

Explore their Face­book page.

Cal­i­for­nia Tacos


Reg­u­lar­ly locat­ed at: 9405 Mid­way, Durham

What cus­tomers had to say: My sis­ter brought me here and called it the world’s best taco truck.’ I thought she was exag­ger­at­ing. She wasn’t. This is the absolute best bur­ri­to I’ve ever had.” ~Rebec­ca W.

Explore their Insta­gram page.

Tacos el Centenario


Reg­u­lar­ly locat­ed at: 1114 W. First St., Chico

What cus­tomers had to say: Some of the best bur­ri­tos in town. It’s a no-brain­er, don’t go any­where else for a bur­ri­to. Always fast, always polite and friend­ly.” ~Andrew B.

Explore their Face­book page.

Tacos el Grullense


Reg­u­lar­ly locat­ed at: 396 E. Park Ave., Chico

What cus­tomers had to say: The BEST tacos in town. There’s just no debate. $1 tacos + the juici­est asa­da you’ve ever had. Can’t go wrong here, I swear.” ~Cameron M.

Explore their Face­book page.

Tacos Super Tonaya


Reg­u­lar­ly locat­ed at: 1456 Man­grove Ave, Chico

What cus­tomers had to say: This place is the bomb. You ask for spicy, and they give you spicy. Extra spicy? They do that too. These bur­ri­tos are hefty, and hit the spot. It’s busy when­ev­er I go, but that’s how you know it’s good. Worth the trip, worth the wait, worth the price. I love this taco truck.” ~Flo­rence B.

Explore their Face­book page.

Burg­ers, Sand­wich­es & More


The Black Kettle


Reg­u­lar­ly locat­ed at: Secret Trail Brew­ery, 132 Mey­ers St., Ste. 120, Chico

What cus­tomers had to say: Out of all the fan­cy restau­rants and din­ers I have ever been to The Black Ket­tle has the best food I have ever ever had. Pure ecsta­sy is the only way to tru­ly describe the food. You are a fool if you have not eat­en any­thing from The Black Ket­tle yet.” ~Danielle G.

Explore their Face­book page.


The Pat­ty Wagon


Reg­u­lar­ly locat­ed at: 7126 Sky­way Rd., Paradise

What cus­tomers had to say: The very best ham­burg­ers & fries in Butte co. along with every­thing else. The folks are real­ly nice peo­ple.” Lin­da D.

Explore their Face­book page.

Right­eous Burger


Reg­u­lar­ly locat­ed at: Town & Coun­try Park­ing Lot, 2586 Olive Hwy, Oroville

What cus­tomers had to say: Amaz­ing burg­ers with so many options, love their fried cheese and their fries! Great price for the com­bos and absolute­ly awe­some ser­vice! Favorite burg­er place in Oroville ❤️” ~Savan­nah E.

Get more info .

Some­thing Different

Zac S.

Boot­leg BBQ


Reg­u­lar­ly locat­ed at: 1184 East Ave, Chico

What cus­tomers had to say: Great is an under­state­ment. Ribs were meaty and the orig­i­nal sauce was tasty. All the sides were excel­lent as was the corn on the cob. High­ly rec­om­mend the Boot­leg BBQ if you want a take­out delight.” Ronald A.

Explore their Face­book page.



Reg­u­lar­ly locat­ed at: Secret Trail Brew­ery, 132 Mey­ers St., Ste. 120, Chico

What cus­tomers had to say: Chico­bi’s fare is fresh, fun and fan­tas­tic! Obi works with you to cre­ate the per­fect menu for your event. He is easy to work with and his cook­ing is fan­tas­tic. You def­i­nite­ly can’t go wrong with Chico­bi’s!” ~Kata­ri­na D.

Explore their Face­book page.


Crispy Eggroll


Reg­u­lar­ly locat­ed at: 2501 S Whit­man Pl, Chico

What cus­tomers had to say: So damn good. Eggrolls manda­to­ry, every­thing else on the menu super good, but I rec­om­mend the cur­ry noo­dles. Own­ers are super nice, too. Always a plus. This place is a must go every time I’m in that part of town.” ~Dustin G.

Love­ly Lay­ers Cakery


Reg­u­lar­ly locat­ed at: Var­i­ous loca­tions across Butte County

What cus­tomers had to say: Besides being incred­i­bly deli­cious, the cus­tomer ser­vice is excel­lent! Friend­ly and accom­mo­dat­ing, even when I haven’t ordered ahead. They have great vari­ety in the prod­ucts they offer. I high­ly rec­om­mend Love­ly Lay­ers; I don’t think I’ll ever bake anoth­er cup­cake again! ~Whis­per­screams

Explore their Face­book page.