Multiple Cities Family Adventure Farms

Popular U-Pick Farms in Butte County

There’s noth­ing quite like the joy of hand-select­ing the fresh­est pro­duce straight from the fields, and Butte County’s U‑pick farms offer the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect with nature, sup­port local agri­cul­ture, and indulge in the fla­vors of the season.

Whether you’re a nature enthu­si­ast, a food lover, or sim­ply seek­ing a fun out­door activ­i­ty for the fam­i­ly, Butte Coun­ty’s U‑pick farms have some­thing for everyone!

Chico State Uni­ver­si­ty Farm

The Chico State Uni­ver­si­ty Farm is a unique U‑pick expe­ri­ence that blends learn­ing and agri­cul­ture. Nor­mal­ly a liv­ing class­room for agri­cul­tur­al stu­dents, for a few short days in August, the Uni­ver­si­ty Farm becomes a u‑pick par­adise for peaches!

U‑PICK: Peach­es

OPEN: Ear­ly August, as the peach­es ripen. Watch Chico State’s Facebook for announce­ments, or call the Uni­ver­si­ty Far­m’s Peach Hot­line at (530) 8984989 for the most cur­rent infor­ma­tion about the season’s peach pick­ing dates. 

Fig & Scout Farms

If you’re a fan of stun­ning flo­ral dis­plays, Fig & Scout Farms is a must-vis­it U‑pick farm in Chico. Wan­der through rows of vibrant flow­ers, hand­pick your favorites, and cre­ate your own daz­zling bou­quet on the half-acre, moth­er-daugh­ter owned farm.

U‑PICK: Flowers

OPEN: Sea­son­al­ly in the sum­mer by appoint­ment only. Check their Insta­gram more information.

John­son U‑Pick Farm

For a diverse selec­tion of sea­son­al fruits and veg­eta­bles, John­son U‑Pick Farm in Gri­d­ley is a hid­den gem. Explore the far­m’s sprawl­ing fields, where you’ll find an abun­dant array of pro­duce, includ­ing lus­cious berries, juicy peach­es, per­fect­ly ripe toma­toes, and much more. Find sea­son­al avail­abil­i­ty and prices on their website .

U‑PICK: Berries, toma­toes, pep­pers, plums, grapes, peach­es, nec­tarines, apples, apri­cots, kiwi, almonds

OPEN: Late May through Octo­ber, Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days from 8am-3pm

L&T Farms

At the first-gen­er­a­tion L&T Farms in Chico, return through­out the sea­son to pick sev­er­al deli­cious vari­eties cher­ries, peach­es, and nec­tarines. Vis­it once for your favorite, or return through­out the sum­mer to taste the dif­fer­ence between the vari­eties as they ripen to perfection.

U‑PICK: Cher­ries, peach­es, and nectarines

OPEN: Mid-May or ear­ly June through end of July or ear­ly August (depend­ing on weath­er) on week­ends. Before vis­it­ing, make sure to check for cur­rent open dates and hours as well as oth­er updates on their Face­book or Insta­gram pages, or call (530) 5215837.

Noble Orchards

This fall, bring your friends and fam­i­ly, gath­er your bas­kets, and get ready to hand­pick the fresh­est, most deli­cious apples straight from the tree at Noble Orchards, a Par­adise favorite since 1921. Bite into a vari­ety of apples as they ripen through­out the fall.

U‑PICK: Apples

OPEN: Ear­ly August through Octo­ber. For updates on the cur­rent sea­son, open days and hours, and what’s avail­able, check out their Face­book page.

Popular U-Pick Farms in Butte County

Sier­ra Cas­cade Blue­ber­ry Farm

As sum­mer rolls in, the Sier­ra Cas­cade Blue­ber­ry Farm in For­est Ranch beck­ons with its juicy, pre­mi­um organ­ic blue­ber­ries ready for pick­ing. Fill your bas­kets with a true taste of sum­mer as you stroll the deli­cious blue­ber­ry patch­es at this fam­i­ly-owned and oper­at­ed farm.

U‑PICK: Organ­ic blueberries

OPEN: Late May or ear­ly June, but can be lat­er depend­ing on the weath­er. For announce­ments on the cur­rent sea­son and open days and hours, check out their Face­book or Insta­gram pages or call (530) 8948728.

Stage­coach Lane Ranch

Tucked away in the serene foothills of Oroville, Stage­coach Lane Ranch offers a tru­ly peace­ful U‑pick expe­ri­ence. Enjoy a wag­on ride to the top of the orchard and pick your fill of sweet, juicy Bing cher­ries as you make your way to the pavil­ion for a deli­cious picnic.

U‑PICK: Cherries

OPEN: Late May or ear­ly June, depend­ing on the weath­er. Open 9am to 4pm dai­ly until picked out (gen­er­al­ly 2 weeks from open­ing). For announce­ments on cur­rent sea­son, check out their Face­book page or call (530) 5320191