Oroville Getaway Artist Food & Beverage

7 Delicious Downtown Oroville Restaurants

A vis­it to Oroville isn’t com­plete with­out a stop in Down­town Oroville. The heart of the city fea­tures unique shops, fun enter­tain­ment, and of course, great food. Whether you’re just dri­ving through or stay­ing for a few hours, find your next great meal at one of these local and deli­cious Down­town Oroville restaurants.

The Boss Burger

A clas­sic burg­er joint locat­ed at the entrance to Down­town, The Boss Burg­er has been serv­ing Oroville since 1980. With a mot­to of You’ve had the Rest, Now try the Best,” it just takes one bite of their burg­ers, made from 100% lean ground beef from the local Wag­on Wheel Mar­ket, to fall in love with The Boss Burger.

7 Delicious Downtown Oroville Restaurants
The Boss Burger

Mug Shots Cof­fee House

Look­ing for lighter break­fast or lunch fare? Mug Shots Cof­fee House is the per­fect option. Fea­tur­ing cof­fee house clas­sics, fresh bak­ery items, and dai­ly hot meals, you’ll find Mug Shots a good start to the day’s adven­tures or for a bite before head­ing home.

Phở Noo­dle House

The fam­i­ly-run Phở Noo­dle House serves authen­tic Thai, Lao, and Asian-style food, spe­cial­iz­ing in, what one Google review­er called, the best place for Phở North of Sacra­men­to.” Home­made broth and large por­tions make the Phở a menu favorite, but you’ll find every­thing on their menu a win­ner — from car­niv­o­rous clas­sics to veg­an options to their (best-in-the-coun­ty) Thai iced tea.


Built on the foun­da­tions of the his­toric Union Hotel in the heart of Down­town Oroville, the Union is a per­fect place to end a day on the lake or an Oroville-area adven­ture. With a menu fea­tur­ing Cal­i­for­nia cui­sine, an indoor and out­door bar, and live music on the week­ends, the Union is always bustling with fun and excitement.

7 Delicious Downtown Oroville Restaurants


With a full-ser­vice bar, sev­er­al large TVs, and a beau­ti­ful out­door patio, Pro­vi­sions is a per­fect spot to stop in for a quick drink or grab a table for a cou­ple of hours with friends over good food. Live music and week­ly triv­ia nights ensure that you’ll want to vis­it over and over again!

7 Delicious Downtown Oroville Restaurants

Tong Fong Low

Serv­ing authen­tic Chi­nese and Chi­nese-inspired dish­es in Oroville since 1912, the icon­ic Tong Fong Low is a long-time city favorite. Enjoy dish­es made with the fresh­est and best ingre­di­ents from this fam­i­ly-run restau­rant dur­ing your Down­town Oroville adventures.