Chico College Connection

College Connection: A Chico State Weekend Getaway

You’re not a col­lege kid any­more, but there is noth­ing wrong with re-liv­ing those days for a week­end and rem­i­nisc­ing about that for­ma­tive time in your life. Chico State is one of the state’s most icon­ic col­leges. The col­lege, along­side its con­nec­tion to Down­town Chico, serves up a unique and vibrant col­lege expe­ri­ence. Chico grads who return for a cou­ple of days will find plen­ty of activ­i­ties to engage in as they remem­ber the town where they began their adult lives.

Day One

Brunch at B Street Pub­lic House

You are an adult now, so you do brunch, and B Street Pub­lic House has beignets and open-faced sand­wich­es with Hol­landaise sauce, and a cov­ered patio that’s per­fect for out­door brunching.

Re-Dis­cov­er Bid­well Park

One of the things you loved about Chico State was the direct access from the cam­pus to 3,670-acre Bid­well Park. Stroll through the Low­er Parks trails, then walk to One Mile Recre­ation Area and Sycamore Pool for a refresh­ing dip or a leisure­ly bike ride. Look­ing for more epic views? Hike up to Mon­key Face in Upper Park for amaz­ing park and canyon vistas.

Stroll through the Chico State Campus

Locat­ed in the heart of Chico, the park-like cam­pus is per­fect for a leisure­ly walk. You can also catch a show at Lax­son Audi­to­ri­um, browse the Wild­cat Store, or catch a base­ball, bas­ket­ball, or soc­cer game as you take a trip down mem­o­ry lane. You can also dis­cov­er places you did­n’t know about before, such as the Mas­ters of Fine Arts Gallery or the Valene L. Smith Muse­um of Anthro­pol­o­gy.

Explore the Uni­ver­si­ty Farm

A few miles from cam­pus, the 800-acre Paul L. Bryne Agri­cul­tur­al Teach­ing and Research Cen­ter (ATRC), more com­mon­ly known as the Uni­ver­si­ty Farm, helps Chico State agri­cul­ture stu­dents put class­room con­cepts into prac­tice. The ATRC has not only been a ben­e­fit to stu­dents, but also to farm­ers and ranch­ers ben­e­fit­ing from the research con­duct­ed on the farm. Sched­ule a farm tour today!

Chow Down at Madi­son Bear Garden

Din­ner has to be at one of your favorite col­lege hang­outs, and Madi­son Bear Gar­den, with its tasty burg­ers, wild dec­o­ra­tions and out­door patio, is the per­fect spot. Grab a burg­er and tell some old col­lege sto­ries over a pint of Sier­ra Neva­da Pale Ale. This main­stay of the Chico col­lege scene offers a hop­ping bar, a his­toric car­riage hang­ing from the ceil­ing, and a burg­er slathered in peanut butter.

College Connection: A Chico State Weekend Getaway

Stay Out Late at the Crazy Horse Saloon

After din­ner, end your evening right with a ride on the Crazy Horse Saloon’s mechan­i­cal bull (just to remind your­self you are not as young as you once were) and a few dance moves on the Crazy Horse’s noto­ri­ous dance floor.

Recharge at a Chico Hotel

You’ll need a full night’s sleep after such a busy day.

Day Two

Refu­el at Sin of Cortez

Work out any sore mus­cles from last night’s mechan­i­cal bull ride and dance par­ty with Sin of Cortez famous French toast or pan­cakes and cof­fee. They take deb­it or cash only, rem­i­nis­cent of your col­lege days, but that shouldn’t be a prob­lem with an ATM on-site.

Catch a game at Butte College

Here in the fall? Make sure to catch a Butte Col­lege foot­ball home game — with alum­ni includ­ing Pack­ers Quar­ter­back Aaron Rodgers and Hall-of-Famer Lar­ry Allen, Butte Col­lege foot­ball is a place to watch excit­ing grid­iron action from a Nation­al Cham­pi­onship pro­gram. After­wards, explore the Butte Col­lege cam­pus. The orig­i­nal Oroville cam­pus rests on a wildlife refuge and has been rec­og­nized as a nation­al com­mu­ni­ty col­lege leader in sus­tain­abil­i­ty, while the Chico satel­lite cam­pus is just down the free­way from Down­town Chico.

Nosh at Tea Bar & Fusion Café

Tea Bar & Fusion Café offers a menu of unique fusion of frozen, frost­ed, sparkling, steamed, and iced tea liba­tions and applies that fusion of fla­vors” approach to deli­cious and healthy fusion bowls and wraps. With two loca­tions in Chico, you can enjoy a healthy and deli­cious lunch any­where in town.

Shop at Made in Chico

Before head­ing home, make sure to pick up a piece of the town from Made in Chico. The store show­cas­es local cre­ators and exem­pli­fies the love for the city itself. From art and pho­tog­ra­phy to sou­venirs and local­ly made foods and more, you’ll undoubt­ed­ly find some­thing for your­self (and those who wish they had come!).

Grab a Slice at Wood­stock­’s Pizza

Since 1983, Wood­stock­’s Piz­za has been a col­lege favorite. With great piz­za, triv­ia nights, and the lat­est game on the big screen, locat­ed just blocks away from cam­pus, it’s a great place to spend an evening with friends.