Multiple Cities Getaway Artist Coffee & Cafes

15 Delicious Local Butte County Coffee Shops

Cof­fee. Espres­so. Java. Cup­pa. Rock­et fuel. Brain juice.

What­ev­er you call it and what­ev­er you’re in the mood for, we know that when you need it, you need it fast. But when you’re vis­it­ing a new place, it can be easy to rely on the famil­iar chains to get your fix. 

So to make it a lit­tle eas­i­er for you to sup­port local Butte Coun­ty cafes, we’ve pulled togeth­er a list of 14 local cof­fee shops that will sat­is­fy any of your caf­feine (or decaf) crav­ings. Get a taste with these real Google and Yelp reviews from real din­ers rav­ing about their favorite North­ern Cal­i­for­nia cof­fee shops and then go expe­ri­ence them for yourself.

If you’re look­ing for a great cup of joe, cold brew, espres­so, or some­thing else while you’re in Butte Coun­ty, this is a good place to start! 


Lynn’s Cof­fee & Crepes

9205 Sky­way, Paradise

What cus­tomers had to say about Lyn­n’s Cof­fee Crepes: This place is so deli­cious, worth the wait for open­ing. So nice to have a dri­ve thru spot this yum­my. Wish they opened a bit ear­li­er for my ear­ly morn­ing work dri­ve but they’re so good I come for lunch any­way.” ~Anasta­cia M.

Fan favorite(s)
: Berry Blast Crêpe, Mocha Freeze, Carmel Freeze


JC Java

1574 Huntoon St., Oroville

What cus­tomers had to say about JC Java : I real­ly hope peo­ple read this post.. great place down­town, good cof­fee, good pas­tries, great staff. Qui­et, cozy, their break­fast bagels are bomb! And sand­wich­es are on point… peo­ple need to know about this place.” ~Al S.

Fan favorite(s)
: White Mocha, Red Bull Infused, Holy Moly

Mug Shots Cof­fee House

2040 Mont­gomery St., Oroville

What cus­tomers had to say about Mug Shots Cof­fee House: I just had the best cof­fee I have had in a long time. Per­fect bal­ance of crème, sweet and cof­fee. Their sand­wich­es are sim­ple and a great com­pli­ment to any drink. High­ly rec­om­mend MugShots for all your cof­fee and drink needs!” ~Jef­fer­ey S.

Fan favorite(s): Avalanche, Morn­ing Thun­der Black Cof­fee, any of the Can­dy Bar drinks

Olson House Coffee

2525 Feath­er Riv­er Blvd., Oroville

What cus­tomers had to say about Olson House Cof­fee: The staff is always very friend­ly and greets me with a smile! I always get their blend­ed Peanut-but­ter cup mocha and it’s sooooo good!! If you haven’t tried their drinks I high­ly rec­om­mend them! ❤️” ~Jaimie G.

Fan favorite(s): Blend­ed drinks: Choco­late Peanut But­ter Cup and Coconut Caramel Crunch. Ener­gy drinks made with plant-based Lotus Ener­gy: Tahi­ti Sun­rise and Blue Hawaiian


Bid­well Perk

664 E 1st Ave., Chico

What cus­tomers had to say about Bid­well Perk: Every­body there is so friend­ly. They have excel­lent sal­ads. Their lattes are just the best. And last fall they had this pump­kin spice lat­te that was so good that some­times I’ll be drink­ing cof­fee I brewed at home, and I will weep, because the drink I’m drink­ing isn’t that lat­te I had last fall.” ~Michael N.

Fan favorite(s)
: Hon­ey Cream Lat­te, Blend­ed Coconut Black Tea Latte

Cal Java Cof­fee Roasters

Two Chico loca­tions: 216 W East Ave (dine-in) and 1835 Man­grove Ave (dri­ve-thru only)

What cus­tomers had to say about Cal Java Cof­fee Roast­ers: Their house brew is for those who appre­ci­ate good DARK fla­vored cof­fee. The cashier, in my expe­ri­ence, is always help­ful and polite. I’ve nev­er been dis­ap­point­ed with any of their treats or cof­fee. It’s a great envi­ron­ment to have an inti­mate chat with a friend. It always smells deli­cious in there.” ~R L.

Fan favorite(s): Cal Java Cold Brew, Hon­ey Kiss Lat­te, Milky Way Mocha

Cof­fee Ranch

1288 E 1st Ave., Chico

What cus­tomers had to say about Cof­fee Ranch: Was rec­om­mend­ed the Cof­fee Ranch as hav­ing the best cof­fee drinks in Chico.’ I sec­ond that rat­ing due to their orig­i­nal drinks that have great fla­vor. Very atten­tive and sweet employ­ees that seemed prompt­ly thor­ough and self suf­fi­cient while work­ing.” ~Vio­let R.

Fan favorite(s): The Wild Mon­key, Hon­ey Bee Lat­te, Cinnabon Lat­te, Maple Glazed Latte

Day­camp Coffee

1925 Mar­ket Pl. Ste. 150, Chico

What cus­tomers had to say about Day­camp Cof­fee: Love this place! Miri­am Park is a beau­ti­ful loca­tion for this refresh­ing, open aired cof­fee spot. The staff has always been help­ful, under­stand­ing and enjoy­able to talk to! Won­der­ful cof­fee fla­vors and they also pro­vide whipped cream treats for pups.” ~Kristin F.

Fan favorite(s): Oat Milk Lat­te, Fizzy Matcha Twist, Sin­gle Ori­gin Espres­so (Colom­bia fin­ca las nubes)

Equi­lat­er­al Coffee

1710 Park Ave., Chico

What cus­tomers had to say about Equi­lat­er­al Cof­fee: The best part of my week is wait­ing for them to open on Wednes­days. I usu­al­ly have to order an extra shot for my lattes, but the cof­fee they use is so strong that I don’t need it! Great cof­fee and very friend­ly own­ers who know my order as I walk through the door. Could not rec­om­mend them more!” ~Cas­sidy B.

Fan favorite(s): Aztec Mocha, any of their house­made syrups

15 Delicious Local Butte County Coffee Shops

The Grate­ful Bean Cof­fee House

6 W Eaton Rd., Chico

What cus­tomers had to say about The Grate­ful Bean Cof­fee House: The cof­fee is amaz­ing!! And con­sis­tent every time, and not to men­tion the staff is real­ly nice and brings your drinks to ya! 1000000010 would rec­om­mend. I wish there was one of these in every town!!” ~Bre R.

Fan favorite(s): Creamy Cold Brew, White Mocha, Peanut But­ter Cup

Love­bird Coffee

Chico State Behav­ioral & Social Sci­ences Build­ing, 230 W 1st St, Chico, CA 95928

What cus­tomers had to say about Love­bird Cof­fee: They are the best cof­fee around, and the sweet­est peo­ple ever, every­thing is made with love😊💕” ~Lena H.

Fan favorite(s): Straw­ber­ry Matcha, But­ter­beer Lat­te, and Cold Brew with Laven­der Cold Foam

Mon­dos Coffeehouse

995 Nord Ave #100, Chico

What cus­tomers had to say about Mon­dos Cof­fee­house: great local café! Wide vari­ety of cof­fee options and teas, includ­ing Ore­gon Chai which is my favorite! The staff are friend­ly and have quick ser­vice. They also have a pret­ty wide vari­ety of bagel options for sand­wich­es (or with cream cheese) and local­ly made pas­tries.” ~Megan T.

Fan favorite(s): Mex­i­can Mocha, El Chi­cano, Carmela

Naked Lounge

118 W 2nd St., Chico

What cus­tomers had to say about Naked Lounge: Mmmm mmmm good! Hap­py to find a cof­fee shop with such won­der­ful good­ness for my taste buds to taste. Rec­om­mend reward­ing Your mouth with the Smooth rich reward­ing fla­vors offered up here! Enjoy and be awe­some” ~Michael C.

Fan favorite(s): Iced matcha lat­te with macadamia milk and house made jas­mine syrup, House made cold brew with house made vanil­la and heavy whip­ping crème

Sto­ble Coffee

418 Broad­way St., Chico

What cus­tomers had to say about Sto­ble Cof­fee: Absolute­ly phe­nom­e­nal new cof­fee shop in Chico. I buy Sto­ble beans for brew­ing at home so I’m clear­ly a fan of the cof­fee. What puts this place over the top is the unique and high qual­i­ty food dish­es. And the phys­i­cal space is one of the most beau­ti­ful in Chico.” ~Troy C.

Fan favorite(s): Hon­ey Laven­der Latte

Ten­der Lov­ing Coffee

365 E 6th St.

What cus­tomers had to say about Ten­der Lov­ing Cof­fee: Ten­der Lov­ing is a beau­ti­ful lit­tle cof­fee shop with a cozy atmos­phere yet space enough to put on won­der­ful open mic nights. Peo­ple are swell, cof­fee’s good, noth­ing bad about it at all.” ~Matthew D.

Fan favorite(s): Orange Zest Mocha, Laven­der Lat­te, and Ice Blend­ed Lemon­ades with house-made fruit syrups

Pic­ture This!

Share pho­tos and videos of your cof­fee dates with us direct­ly or on Insta­gram using #Explore­But­te­Coun­ty for a chance to be featured!