Durham Live Like a Local

The Best Spots to See Almond Blossoms in Butte County

From mid-Feb­ru­ary to ear­ly March, almond trees blos­som across California’s Cen­tral Val­ley. With most of the world’s almonds com­ing from Cal­i­for­nia, includ­ing Butte Coun­ty, it’s no sur­prise that beau­ti­ful almond blos­soms sur­round us. It’s a petal-filled won­der­land with fall­en almond blos­soms flow­ing through the almond orchards, and a reminder that spring is on the horizon.

Every­one loves when almond flow­ers hit their peak bloom and start to open up into beau­ti­ful flow­ers so white they will take your breath away, but do you know where to find them?

I’ve com­piled a list of the best places in Butte Coun­ty to see the almond blos­soms in all their glory. 

A vari­ety of orchards pop­u­late the North State. There are so many areas that have blos­som­ing orchards to dis­cov­er, but in Durham, it’s hard to ignore the blos­som-cov­ered trees that sur­round the town because they’re on every cor­ner, every street, and every turn. No mat­ter where you go, it seems that dur­ing almond blos­som sea­son, you can’t escape their bloom.

Where to Spot Them

Trav­el along the back­roads by tak­ing exit High­way 99 North at the the Durham-Day­ton High­way exit to access Day­ton Road. Dri­ve Hegan Lane through Chico where you’ll run into Mid­way and dri­ve south from Chico to Durham.

Depend­ing on the route you choose, you’ll end up in Durham or Chico. Whichev­er path you pick, there are beau­ti­ful orchards for your view­ing pleasure.

Durham Almond Blossoms

Enjoy the road less trav­eled as you dri­ve Durham-Day­ton High­way to Mid­way. Turn left onto Roble Road to be mes­mer­ized by almond trees in full bloom. With blos­soms to your left and your right, you can take any road and find the white flow­ers everywhere.

Dri­ving Roble Road to Mid­way, you’ll find your­self going over a high­er road — take a moment to look down: the cross­roads of Blos­som Lane and Roble Road will take your breath away. It’s easy to miss if you’re con­cen­trat­ing on the dri­ve, but the cross sec­tion of these two areas is beau­ti­ful dur­ing peak almond blos­som season.

The moment you turn onto Jones Avenue in Durham, you’ll expe­ri­ence blos­som bliss. Like many sur­round­ing areas in Durham, you will find a new orchard around every cor­ner, mak­ing it hard to tell when one ends and anoth­er begins. Enjoy the blos­som­ing trees from a vari­ety of farms on Jones Avenue, includ­ing Red Bear Ranch and Grzanich Broth­ers’ Orchards.

The Best Spots to See Almond Blossoms in Butte County

Fun Fact

Do you know that folks around these parts call Almonds Amonds,” as in salmon? If you’re just pass­ing through, you may not catch it, but it’s gen­uine­ly a pun that locals love to have fun with: It’s because they’re almonds’ when they’re on the branch, but on the ground, they’re amonds,’ because the farm­ers knock the L’ out of them.”

Chico Almond Blossoms

While Durham has many beau­ti­ful almond orchards, the tour doesn’t end there! There are plen­ty of scenic places in Chico, too. The dri­ve into Chico from Durham along the Mid­way dur­ing this time is lovely. 

Dri­ving along the back roads on Day­ton Road will lead you to Maisie Jane’s Cal­i­for­nia Sun­shine Prod­ucts Gift Shop . This is an orchard area you won’t want to miss because Maisie Jane’s offers mouth­wa­ter­ing local treats as well as spec­tac­u­lar views of the blooms.

From Maisie Janes, dri­ve south for 2.5 miles and turn right onto Elk Avenue to check out sev­er­al, more-seclud­ed orchards. With a right on Lone Pine and then a left on Stevens Avenue, you’ll see some beau­ti­ful ones that belong to the fourth-gen­er­a­tion fam­i­ly Heron Fox Farm. They only farm and sell cer­ti­fied organ­ic, unpas­teur­ized almonds and use bee-friend­ly and water-sav­ing farm­ing meth­ods, which you’ll notice when you stop by their orchards.

Those are some of my favorite spots to see blos­som­ing almond trees. What­ev­er you’re look­ing for in the per­fect almond blos­som — whether it’s just to frol­ic through the orchards with your dog, take the per­fect fam­i­ly pho­to, or ask your loved one to mar­ry you — there is no escap­ing the spring bloom in Butte County.