Multiple Cities Agritourism & Locally Grown Farm-to-Table Wineries

Agricultural Foodie

Butte Coun­ty is one of the bread bas­kets of Cal­i­for­nia — a region known for its excep­tion­al agri­cul­tur­al qual­i­ty and fam­i­ly-oper­at­ed farms. Expe­ri­ence this side of the coun­ty with a trip ded­i­cat­ed to tast­ing local food, expe­ri­enc­ing local agri­cul­ture, and explor­ing the sto­ries behind Butte Coun­ty farms, winer­ies, and orchards.

Day One

Enjoy Break­fast at Ten­der Lov­ing Coffee

Ten­der Lov­ing Cof­fee is known for deli­cious­ly veg­an menu and local­ly roast­ed cof­fee. Even enthu­si­as­tic meat eaters will enjoy their robust brunch menu, so enjoy in the quirky and quaint din­ing area or take it to go — with its loca­tion just a cou­ple of blocks away from the heart of Down­town Chico, Ten­der Lov­ing Cof­fee is a great start­ing point for your day.

Dis­cov­er the Best of Butte Coun­ty Pro­duce at a Farm­ers Market

You can’t vis­it Butte Coun­ty with­out tast­ing the fresh pro­duce and local­ly grown prod­ucts avail­able. The best way to sam­ple every­thing is to vis­it one of the Chico Cer­ti­fied Farm­ers Mar­ket through­out the coun­ty. Whether it’s at one of the annu­al mar­kets or a sea­son­al one, you’ll find goods from renowned local grow­ers, includ­ing nuts, olive oil, grass fed beef, eggs, herbs, and fresh baked arti­san breads.

Wine & Spir­its Taste at Almen­dra Win­ery & Distillery

Take the dri­ve from Chico to Durham to see Butte County’s orchards and vine­yards. Stop in at Almen­dra Win­ery and Dis­tillery to see the beau­ti­ful cop­per still and hand-made wood­work in the tast­ing room, and to sam­ple local Almen­dra and Bertagna wines as well as Almendra’s deli­cious infused brandies.

Agricultural Foodie

Dine at Grana

Grana picks the fresh­est ingre­di­ents to ele­vate the din­ing expe­ri­ence and ensure that Butte Coun­ty pro­duce is at the heart of every meal. The menu changes to reflect what’s sea­son­al­ly avail­able, with the chef and own­er work­ing close­ly with the ven­dors at the farm­ers mar­kets, so be pre­pared for a culi­nary delight!

Explore Hodges Nursery

If you are an aspir­ing vint­ner or grow­er, stop by Hodges Nurs­ery & Gifts to learn how to grow your own grapes and pick up some good tips from a local hor­ti­cul­tur­ist, Ken Hodges.

Stay the Night

Choose from a vari­ety of lodg­ing options around the coun­ty to make it a week­end getaway.

Day Two

Eat Break­fast at Café Coda

Grab Break­fast at Café Coda, a col­or­ful cof­fee shop and eatery on the edge of Down­town Chico.

Agricultural Foodie

Pick up Local Treats at Maisie Jane’s

Stop by Maisie Jane’s to sam­ple the fla­vors of a true home­grown Butte Coun­ty suc­cess sto­ry. Maisie Jane, the daugh­ter of an Almond farmer, start­ed exper­i­ment­ing with nut-roast­ing tech­niques in her teens, and has grown that pas­sion into an icon­ic local brand of high-qual­i­ty snacks, and fruit and nut recipes.

Tour the Patrick Ranch Museum

Learn about Butte County’s illus­tri­ous agri­cul­tur­al his­to­ry at the Patrick Ranch Muse­um, an old farm­house that has been restored into a museum.

Agricultural Foodie

Tour Lund­berg Fam­i­ly Farms

Dri­ve by Lund­berg Fam­i­ly Farms in Rich­vale for a look at a fam­i­ly-run, organ­ic rice oper­a­tion that inno­vates in gluten-free rice prod­ucts and envi­ron­men­tal respon­si­bil­i­ty. Stop in on any week­day between 8am – 4pm to shop at the farm store dur­ing your visit.

Agricultural Foodie