Chico Event Venues

Windchime Wedding Chapel

  • 1120 Spruce Avenue, Chico, CA, USA
(530) 893-9384
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Nes­tled in a bun­ga­low built in 1929, Chico’s Wind­chime Wed­ding Chapel offers a charm­ing and cozy venue for inti­mate cer­e­monies. This is a won­der­ful choice for those who pre­fer a more ele­gant alter­na­tive to the coun­ty clerks office or Las Vegas. Ide­al for cou­ples who have one or two wit­ness­es, with a max­i­mum num­ber of 15 guests. 

A pro­fes­sion­al ordained min­is­ter will pro­vide you with a per­son­al­ized wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny and a wit­ness if needed.
