Biggs Event Venues

The Victorian Rose

  • Victorian Rose, B Street, Biggs, CA, USA
(916) 412-5319
Visit Website

The Vic­to­ri­an Rose pro­vides a beau­ti­ful venue for wed­dings, spe­cial events, and small gath­er­ings year-round. The gar­dens are accent­ed with taste­ful stat­ues and foun­tains ema­nat­ing the peace­ful trick­le of water; lush green Creep­ing Fig graces the gran­ite walls of the fence cre­at­ing a secret gar­den” atmos­phere. The gar­den cen­ter­piece is a 17 ft. domed Venet­ian gaze­bo. Dec­o­rat­ed with the Emer­ald tones of ferns, top­i­aries, pot­ted plants and the soft roman­tic glow soft twin­kle lights and hang­ing can­de­labra, the gaze­bo offers the per­fect set­ting for any type of ceremony.

White vinyl fold­ing chairs and round tables are pro­vid­ed as part of your rental fee as well as assis­tance with the design of your seating/​reception area.

Cus­tomized cater­ing menus for par­ties of 50 – 75 are also avail­able. In addi­tion, per­son­al­ized pack­ages can be cre­at­ed to meet your spe­cif­ic event needs.

Pric­ing and Capacity

  • Gar­den Wed­ding and Recep­tion (Max­i­mum of 125 peo­ple): $1,500 for 6 hours
  • Gar­den Wed­ding Cer­e­mo­ny w/off-site Recep­tion (Max­i­mum of 200 peo­ple): $650 for 3 hours
  • Par­lor and Din­ing Room (Max­i­mum of 35 peo­ple): $100 per hour with a min­i­mum of 3 hours