Chico Event Venues

CARD Community Center and Creekside Rose Garden

  • 545 Vallombrosa Avenue, Chico, CA, USA
(530) 895-4711
Visit Website

Locat­ed in the heart of Chico, CA, the CARD Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter and Creek­side Rose Gar­den pro­vides a beau­ti­ful set­ting for any occa­sion. With over 200 ros­es and both indoor and out­door facil­i­ties, they can offer a vari­ety of per­son­al­ized options for your event.

Your guests will enjoy the gor­geous views of the rose gar­den and Bid­well Park while you and your wed­ding par­ty stand cen­ter stage. Fol­low­ing the cer­e­mo­ny, you and your guests can enjoy the out­door ter­race and dance into the night in the recep­tion room. The wood dance floor, nat­ur­al rock walls, and panoram­ic views of the rose gar­den make this the per­fect venue for your wedding.

Room Avail­able

Rose Gar­den Main Hall┃2,600 Sq. feet┃Capacity 200 people

Ser­vices and Amenities

  • 200-per­son din­ing capacity
  • Pri­vate bridal par­ty dress­ing rooms
  • Cer­e­mo­ny site – out­door or indoor
  • Ven­dors of your choice
  • Large out­door terrace
  • Nat­ur­al rock walls
  • Wood dance floor
  • Tables and chairs for wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny and recep­tion (200 guests)
  • Com­plete set-up and take-down of our tables and chairs
  • Ample park­ing
  • Pro­fes­sion­al, cour­te­ous staff to assist with main­te­nance dur­ing the event
  • Clean-up of facil­i­ty after the event
  • Large pro­fes­sion­al kitchen
  • ADA acces­si­bil­i­ty
  • Fif­teen-hour event time, typ­i­cal­ly 9:00 am to midnight