Chico Event Venues

Centerville Estate

  • 13386 Centerville Road, Chico, CA, USA
(530) 891-0641
Visit Website

Cen­ter­ville Estate is an exclu­sive, one-of-a-kind North­ern Cal­i­for­nia wed­ding and pri­vate event loca­tion. There are a vari­ety of spe­cial cer­e­mo­ny sites to choose from, fea­tur­ing grapevine and ivy arch­ways. Fol­low­ing the cer­e­mo­ny, you will enter down a Riv­er Rock Stair­case fea­tur­ing water­falls on both sides. There you will enter­tain your guests in the out­door recep­tion area which includes a bar, stage and dance floor. If you pre­fer an indoor recep­tion you will find the same amenities.

On-site Ameni­ties

  • Plen­ty of open space for your cer­e­mo­ny and recep­tion, includ­ing a relax­ing water­front beach area
  • Con­ve­nient pow­er through­out the grounds for easy elec­tri­cal setup
  • Ful­ly air-con­di­tioned down­stairs area of the estate lodge, fea­tur­ing a bride and bridal par­ty prep room and three bath­rooms, two with chang­ing rooms and large vanities
  • Full-sized kitchen with walk-in refrig­er­a­tor, in addi­tion to an indoor bar
  • Indoor dance floor with pro­fes­sion­al light­ing and stage for bands, DJs or any oth­er performances
  • Tables and chairs are sup­plied as well as clean up