Durham Event Venues

Almendra Winery & Distillery

  • 9275 Midway, Durham, CA, USA
(530) 343-6893 ext. 102
Visit Website

Host your wed­ding at the beau­ti­ful Ale­men­dra Win­ery & Distillery in idyl­lic Durham. The wood décor and cop­per dis­tillery will add a rich and lux­u­ri­ous feel to your spe­cial day.

Room Avail­able

Bar­rel Room┃7,000 Sq. feet┃Capacity 200 people

To view the venue please sched­ule an appoint­ment. For avail­abil­i­ty or to secure a date please con­tact Almen­dra Win­ery & Dis­tillery at events@​almendrawinery.​com or (530) 3436893.
