Durham Event Venues

Almendra Winery & Distillery

  • 9275 Midway, Durham, CA, USA
(530) 343-6893 ext. 102
Visit Website

Host your wed­ding at the beau­ti­ful Ale­men­dra Win­ery & Distillery in idyl­lic Durham. The wood décor and cop­per dis­tillery will add a rich and lux­u­ri­ous feel to your spe­cial day. 


  • Mon­days-Tues­days 9am-9pm
  • Wednes­days-Thurs­days 11am-9pm
  • Fri­days-Sat­ur­days 11am-10pm
  • Sun­days 11am-7pm

Addi­tion­al hour(s) and hours out­side of the above win­dows are avail­able at $150/​hour.

Room Avail­able

Bar­rel Room┃7,000 Sq. feet┃Capacity 200 people


$550 — $2,000, depend­ing on day and guest count. Con­tact the event coor­di­na­tor for exact pric­ing at events@​almendrawinery.​com

What’s Includ­ed with the Rental

  • Up to 4 hours of event time 
  • Exclu­sive use of the Bar­rel Room for your event
  • Final Touch­es’ stag­ing area and bath­room, open to pub­lic after bride/​groom are fin­ished get­ting ready
  • 60” Round Tables seat­ing 8 guests at each with Black Table Top­pers and/​or High-top stand­ing Cock­tail Tables with Black Table Toppers
  • (2) 8’ Rec­tan­gle Buf­fet Tables with Black Table Linens
  • The use of our stun­ning 8’ West­gate Hard­wood Table and Hard­wood Stand­ing Tables with lim­it­ed barstool seating
  • 2 beau­ti­ful chan­de­liers and roman­tic café light­ing in Bar­rel Room
  • 1 Wine Bar­rel for dec­o­ra­tive pur­pose (Alter, flower arrange­ments, etc.)
  • Ini­tial set-up and final break­down of Almen­dra Tables, Chairs and Linens.
  • Use of off-site food and/​or Cater­er and Ven­dors of your choice, rec­om­men­da­tions avail­able upon request.
  • 2 prep tables and stag­ing area for Caterer(s)
  • Pri­vate Bar­rel Room Bar with 1 – 2 Bartenders
    • Your choice from a selec­tion of Almen­dra and/​or Bertagna Wines, ice cold Domes­tic & Craft Beers, Cock­tails and Sodas. For host­ed bars, total cost based on con­sump­tion of bev­er­ages at the com­ple­tion of the event and an 18% gra­tu­ity charge. No-Host bars have no addi­tion­al charges. This includes set-up and break­down of bar and includes bar glass­ware. Bar ser­vice time is at Almen­dra’ s dis­cre­tion and must close 30 min­utes pri­or to the end of your event. Full bar ser­vice avail­able in the Tast­ing Room dur­ing open hours.
  • Water Sta­tion
  • ADA acces­si­bil­i­ty
  • Ample park­ing
  • Access to back lot for unloading
  • Access to the Tast­ing Room on Mon­day or Tues­day for use by you and your pho­tog­ra­ph­er (engage­ments or bridal shoot) – Please let us know in advance when you would like to come.


  • Floor-Length For­mal Black Table Linens: $10 each
  • Addi­tion­al time and/​or time before or after nor­mal open hours: $150 per hour

To view the venue please sched­ule an appoint­ment. For avail­abil­i­ty or to secure a date please con­tact Almen­dra Win­ery & Dis­tillery at events@​almendrawinery.​com or (530) 3436893
