Chico College Connection Casual Pizza

Woodstock's Pizza

  • 240 Main St, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 893-1500
Visit Website

Wood­stock­’s Piz­za is a long­time favorite pizze­ria locat­ed in Down­town Chico that is com­mit­ted to offer­ing the high­est qual­i­ty ingre­di­ents, mak­ing its dough fresh dai­ly in-house, keep­ing its sig­na­ture sauce a secret, and work­ing hard to cre­ate loy­al cus­tomers and team mem­bers, while hav­ing fun in the process.

Since 1983, Wood­stock­’s has been a sta­ple in Down­town Chico, and a favorite among col­lege stu­dents. It is cur­rent­ly ranked #1 among inde­pen­dent pizze­rias nationwide.
