• 83 E 6th St, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 592-3697
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Wild Ink Press is a lit­tle let­ter­press stu­dio that designs and man­u­fac­tures (made in-house space from start to fin­ish): wit­ty and pret­ty greet­ing cards, sta­tionery and oth­er paper goods in its down­town shop ren­o­vat­ed from an old soda bot­tling plant. Wild Ink Press keeps old print­ing machines and tech­niques alive but liv­en them up with fresh art­work and zingy prose! Its paper goods are eco-pro­duced from recy­cled stock and also 100% made in the USA for you.

At Wild Ink Press, the staff mix inks, by hand, one col­or at a time. On any giv­en day, they can be found draw­ing, plat­ing, print­ing, pack­ag­ing and ship­ping cards. Stop by their Down­town Chico shop to see it all in action and pick up some­thing special.

About Wild Ink Press

Own­er and design­er Rebekah Ten­nis start­ed Wild Ink Press­ in 2009, spring­ing out of a desire to cre­ate a cher­ished, fin­ished prod­uct. After work­ing both in a cor­po­rate design firm and as a free­lance design­er, while she loved her job, she found the nature of brand­ing design to be a frus­trat­ing fac­tor — web­sites get­ting tweaked over and over, logos stretched out of pro­por­tion, with no final­i­ty to the work. She longed to cre­ate art that was both fin­ished (for­ev­er!) and cher­ished. Hence, Wild Ink Press was born, to cre­ate beau­ti­ful paper goods that oth­ers would val­ue and enjoy. Her hus­band Matt lis­tened to her wild-haired ideas and they both took a series of let­ter­press class­es at the San Fran­cis­co Cen­ter for the Book, then made the plunge and pur­chased a 1908 Chan­dler and Price Plat­en Press on Ebay. That was what start­ed it all!

Wild Ink Press uses six press­es almost dai­ly: three Hei­del­berg Wind­mills — C3PO (the Shiny Guy), R2D2 (the one that fell over), and Alpha (their first) — a Van­der­cook Uni­ver­sal III proof press, and their orig­i­nal Chan­dler & Price and Gold­ing Job­ber 1015 plat­en press­es. The sev­enth is a Kelsey 5 x 8 hand press that is most­ly used for chil­dren who the shop,