Sims TLC Olive Oil produces high-quality olive oil featuring two types of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Mission and Manzanilla.
Tours of the farm are available by appointment.
A Brief History of Sims TLC Olive Oil
Since 1972, Gary and Susan Sims have provided premium health care services for trees. Along with their son, Kevin, and daughter-in-law, Nicole, the Sims have dedicated their lives to the preservation of trees.
In 2015, the Sims family purchased the heritage Meier Olive Orchard. This historical orchard began in 1912 with Thomas Watkins planting the trees as a condition of inheriting the property. In 1950, the trees came under the care of Robert Meier who began producing high-quality olive oil until his death, at 92, in 2009.
Restoration projects will help further education efforts as the Sims family prepares to restore old buildings to host seminars, workshops, and antique items. Educational tours will include the antique stone olive mill purchased by Mr. Meier.