• Thermalito Forebay North Picnic Area, Oroville, CA, USA
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The 630-acre Ther­mal­i­to Fore­bay is a day use area fea­tur­ing cool, clear water from Lake Oroville and locat­ed in low rolling foothills, with scenic views of Table Moun­tain to the east.

North Fore­bay

The Ther­mal­i­to Fore­bay North fea­tures 300 sur­face acres of water, a 200-yard swim­ming area with a sandy beach, and plen­ty of shade. There are men’s and wom­en’s dress­ing rooms, flush toi­lets, a drink­ing foun­tain, and a dis­abled-acces­si­ble fish­ing pier. There are 117 tables, large and small shared BBQ grills, addi­tion­al pic­nic sites near the Fore­bay Aquat­ic Cen­ter, and a trail that cir­cles the lagoon.

The North Fore­bay is reserved exclu­sive­ly for sail­boats, canoes, kayaks, pad­dle boards, and oth­er non-pow­er dri­ven boats. The grav­el boat launch clos­es at sundown. 

Dogs are pro­hib­it­ed on the beach and turf areas.

Two paved boat ramps are avail­able: one with 2 lanes and one with 3 lanes.

See an overview of the avail­able ameni­ties and loca­tions using the map of the North Forebay.

South Fore­bay

The Ther­mal­i­to Fore­bay South has a park­ing lot, 2‑lane boat launch ramp, 10 shad­ed pic­nic tables, 10 BBQs, a sandy beach, and chem­i­cal toi­lets. There is no drink­ing water avail­able, so plan accordingly. 

The main attrac­tions in the South Fore­bay are pow­er boat­ing and fish­ing, though shore­line swim­ming also takes place here.

Oth­er Activities

  • Bird­ing: The Nel­son Road bridge over the Fore­bay pro­vides ide­al van­tage points for a great host of water­birds, includ­ing five species of grebes, com­mon and Barrow’s gold­en­eye, and an occa­sion­al rare Pacif­ic or red-throat­ed loon. You’ll also dis­cov­er more rare rap­tor sight­ings than any­where else in the area, includ­ing rough-legged hawk, fer­rug­i­nous hawk, gold­en eagle and others.
  • Fish­ing: The North Fore­bay has fre­quent trout plants for peo­ple to enjoy. 
  • Camp­ing: The North Fore­bay has an en-route camp­ground, which is designed for one-night stays for self-con­tained vehi­cles only. There are 15 en-route RV park­ing spaces with no hookups adja­cent to the day use area.
Thermalito Forebay