Chico Getaway Artist Museums

Stansbury Home

  • 307 W 5th St #5505, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 342-3037
Visit Website

The Stans­bury Home is a 19th-cen­tu­ry Vic­to­ri­an-style home now open as a muse­um and sym­bol of Chico’s Vic­to­ri­an heritage.

The Stans­bury’s Home­’s History

The Stans­bury Home is a Vic­to­ri­an home built in 1883 by Dr. Oscar Stans­bury and designed by Sacra­men­to archi­tect, A.A. Cook. It is a clas­sic exam­ple of Ital­ianate Vic­to­ri­an — a style pat­terned after the stur­dy square manor hous­es of the Ital­ian coun­try­side. The exte­ri­or of the house incor­po­rates beau­ti­ful­ly mold­ed and arched win­dows accent­ed with carved rosettes at their peak, angled bay win­dows flanked by colonettes; entrance porch­es rip­pled with slen­der flut­ed columns; carved balustrades and dec­o­rat­ed ped­i­ments, all topped by brack­et­ed cor­nices. Cen­tered on the roof is a low dec­o­ra­tive wrought iron fence accen­tu­at­ed by a fleur-de-lis design.

The home remained in the Stans­bury fam­i­ly from the time it was occu­pied in 1883 until the death of the Stansbury’s old­est daugh­ter, Miss Ange­line Stans­bury, on Christ­mas Day, 1974.

The home was list­ed on the Nation­al Reg­is­ter of His­toric Places in 1974, and in 1991 was list­ed as sup­port­ing the South Cam­pus His­toric Dis­trict in Chico. In 1976, the his­toric old house was acquired by the City of Chico through a gen­er­ous dona­tion by the Stans­bury fam­i­ly heirs com­bined with par­tial pur­chase. It is present­ly open to the pub­lic under the aus­pices of The Stans­bury Home Preser­va­tion Asso­ci­a­tion, Inc., and a com­mu­ni­ty-wide non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion whose goal is to assist the City to pre­serve, oper­ate, and main­tain this impor­tant sym­bol of Chico’s Vic­to­ri­an heritage.


See upcom­ing events at The Stans­bury here .

The Stansbury Home
The Stansbury Home