• 4583 CA-99, Oroville, CA 95965
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For­mer­ly Doer­ing’s Man­darins, Siegler Fam­i­ly Farm is con­tin­u­ing on the lega­cy of grow­ing Owari Sat­sume Man­darins that was start­ed by the Doer­ing fam­i­ly in 1964. The sea­sons start in Novem­ber and con­tin­ue on as long as the fruit allows.

Each man­darin is hand picked each day and care­ful­ly cleaned and exam­ined before it is sold to cus­tomers. Enjoy a wide vari­ety of prod­ucts and local goods at their shop and ship man­darins through­out the Unit­ed States, includ­ing Alas­ka and Hawaii. Due to fresh­ness of our fruit, they do not ship through the entire sea­son. If you are inter­est­ed in order­ing fruit to be shipped, do so ear­ly in the sea­son to guar­an­tee your order.

Check their Face­book page for announce­ments about the cur­rent grow­ing season.
