Chico Family Adventure State & Regional Parks

Sherwood Forest Kids' Disc Golf Course

  • 1928 Manzanita Ave, Chico, CA 95926
(530) 895-4711
Visit Website

Sher­wood For­est Kids’ Disc Golf Course is a Robin Hood-themed Sher­wood For­est kids’ disc golf course at Hook­er Oak Park. The free 9‑hole course designed to be chal­leng­ing for kids and begin­ners and is also a great loca­tion for peo­ple look­ing to prac­tice their short game .

Read more about Sher­wood For­est and oth­er disc golf cours­es in Butte County.

About the Course

The course is 1,300 feet long, with most­ly flat and slight­ly wood­ed ter­rain, with con­crete tee pads and bas­ket-style tar­gets. All holes are under 300 feet.

The Chico Area Recre­ation and Park Dis­trict, in part­ner­ship with The Out­siders, a recre­ation group, worked to build a chil­dren’s nine-hole disc golf course at Hook­er Oak Park in 2008. The course took on a Robin Hood theme to hon­or the 1938 film The Adven­tures of Robin Hood” that was filmed nearby.

Sea­son­al Tips

Sum­mer brings out the rat­tlesnakes, so be aware of your sur­round­ings. Bring the First Aid Kits just in case.

Sherwood Forest Kids Disc Golf