Chico Vegetarian/Vegan World Cuisine

Priya Indian Cuisine

  • 2574 Esplanade, Chico, CA 95973
(530) 899-1055
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Priya Indi­an Cui­sine serves a range of Indi­an dish­es pre­pared dai­ly by a Mas­ter Indi­an Chef using only the finest and fresh­est ingredients.

Del­i­cate­ly blend­ed spices cre­ate a mouth-water­ing taste and heart-warm­ing sen­sa­tion that is tru­ly tra­di­tion­al, and incred­i­bly deli­cious. The spices are plen­ti­ful in the usu­al Indi­an style, but, as with the best cook­ing, the tastes blend togeth­er in a notably har­mo­nious way. Enjoy fresh­ly made naan, ten­der Tan­doori meats, and excep­tion­al meat­less dish­es, in addi­tion to a vari­ety of oth­er pop­u­lar south Indi­an dishes.

Priya Indian Cuisine