• Chico CA 95928
(530) 712-1647
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Piz­za Riot is Chico’s 1st and only 100% plant-based/ve­g­an and organ­ic pizze­ria! Their ingre­di­ents are fresh, organ­ic, and local. They strive for orig­i­nal­i­ty in their food and hav­ing their own dis­tinct flare on every­thing they make. Piz­za Riot wants to serve you deli­cious, mean­ing­ful com­fort food made by peo­ple who care about what you are eating.

Find their pack­aged offer­ings in Chico at Chico Nat­ur­al Foods Coop­er­a­tive and S& Pro­duce and Nat­ur­al Foods, and keep an eye for announce­ments about pop-events on their Face­book page.

Made in-house: Dough, mari­nara, buf­fa­lo moz­zarel­la, chikun sei­tan, pep­per­oni, ricot­ta and most drizzles.

Every­thing on the menu is organ­ic except items marked with an * for cer­ti­fied non-GMO. If it’s not organ­ic, veg­an, and at least non-GMO, Piz­za Riot does­n’t use it.