Oroville Museums

Butte County Pioneer History Museum

  • 2332 Montgomery St, Oroville, CA 95965
(530) 538-2529
Visit Website
The Pio­neer His­to­ry Muse­um is an over­sized repli­ca of a 49er’s cab­in that hous­es a col­lec­tion of items that illus­trates and show­cas­es the life of the ear­ly Cal­i­for­nia pio­neers through the late 1920s.

The col­lec­tion includes such diverse items such as; Antique pianos, the orig­i­nal Ore­gon City School organ, a grand old clock from Bid­well Bar, gambler’s items, dolls (includ­ing a doll from the Don­ner Par­ty), a min­er’s vest tai­lored to hold dif­fer­ent size nuggets, and even a hand­made gold nee­dle.

The Indi­an arti­fact dis­play con­tains one of the larg­er arrow­head and bas­ket col­lec­tions in the area. There is also a fas­ci­nat­ing col­lec­tion of Grand Army of the Repub­lic mem­o­ra­bil­ia. One dis­play is devot­ed to the lives of the Dan­forth and Boyle pio­neer fam­i­lies, who found­ed the muse­um and kept it open for decades.

A vis­it here will give you a peek into the ear­ly Cal­i­for­nia set­tlers’ lives!

Read more about the Pio­neer His­to­ry Muse­um and oth­er Oroville muse­ums.


  • Check the web­site for cur­rent admis­sion fees
  • Chil­dren Under 12 are Free
  • Group/​classroom tours on Tues­day and Wednes­days by pri­or arrange­ment. Please call (530) 5382508

His­to­ry of the Museum

First opened in 1932 by the Native Sons & Daugh­ters of the Gold­en West, and now oper­at­ed by the City of Oroville, this muse­um was built as an over­sized repli­ca of a 49er’s cab­in. The orig­i­nal build­ing has been enlarged to now hold 6,000 square feet of his­toric treasures.

Pioneer History Museum