• 2488 Cherokee Road, Oroville, CA, USA
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Locat­ed at North Table Moun­tain Eco­log­i­cal Reserve, Phan­tom Falls is a sea­son­al water­fall that flows only dur­ing the rainy sea­son and ear­ly spring, and earns its name because it dis­ap­pears dur­ing the dry sea­son. Also known as Coal Canyon Falls, Phan­tom Falls runs off the edge of Coal Canyon and falls 166 feet into a small pool at the bot­tom. The hike to Phan­tom Falls is an espe­cial­ly beau­ti­ful one dur­ing wild­flower sea­son, but go any time dur­ing the rainy sea­son to enjoy this ephemer­al waterfall.

Lands Pass­es

A CDFW Lands Pass must be in pos­ses­sion by each vis­i­tor who is 16 years of age or old­er, how­ev­er, vis­i­tors who are in pos­ses­sion of a valid Cal­i­for­nia hunt­ing or fish­ing license in their name are exempt from this require­ment. Lands pass­es may be pur­chased on-line, by phone at (800) 5651458, or in-per­son at loca­tions wher­ev­er hunt­ing and fish­ing licens­es are sold.

Tip Trips

Stur­dy closed-toe footwear and water bot­tles are advised when vis­it­ing the area. Garbage cans and bath­rooms are only avail­able at the park­ing lot, so plan accord­ing and make sure to pack out your trash and fol­low oth­er Leave No Trace principles.

Enjoy the views OF the wild­flow­ers, not IN the wild­flow­ers (don’t pick or walk on the wildflowers).

Remov­ing, col­lect­ing or dis­turb­ing any nat­ur­al resources (min­er­al, plant, ani­mal) is prohibited. 

Fly­ing drones is also not allowed.

Dogs must be on a leash. Cat­tle graz­ing on the reserve is used as a man­age­ment tool to reduce thatch and non-native grass species to ben­e­fit native plants. Do not approach the cat­tle clos­er than 300 feet.

The North Table Moun­tain Eco­log­i­cal Reserve is locat­ed among pri­vate lands; make sure to use the cor­rect map for the lat­est trail to Phan­tom Falls (get the Aven­za ver­sion).

Hike to Phan­tom Falls

Plan your next trip to Table Moun­tain by read­ing all about how to get to Phan­tom Falls and oth­er water­falls on the eco­log­i­cal reserve.

Get All the Details


Park­ing is avail­able in a grav­el lot on the west side of Chero­kee Road. The lot has a lim­it­ed num­ber of spaces, so please plan to arrive ear­ly for the best oppor­tu­ni­ties to park. No park­ing on the pave­ment is allowed along the paved por­tion of Chero­kee Road, begin­ning approx­i­mate­ly 3.0 miles north of the inter­sec­tion of Ore­gon Gulch Road (large park­ing turnout near the crest of Chero­kee Road) to Der­rick Road (map ). Vehi­cles park­ing on the shoul­der must be parked com­plete­ly off the pave­ment; vio­la­tors are sub­ject to tow.

Dri­ving Directions

From Oroville, head­ing north on Hwy 70 and exit at Grand Ave. (Exit 48). Go east (right) on Grand Ave. for 1 mile. Left on Table Moun­tain Blvd for a tenth of a mile. Right on Chero­kee Road 6.3 miles north to the reserve. Offi­cial access is through a small park­ing lot on the west side of Chero­kee Road. From Chico, head south on Hwy 70 and exit at Grand Ave (Exit 48). Con­tin­ue onto 4th St. and then turn Left onto Grand Ave., and then fol­low the rest of the direc­tions from above.