• Paradise Lake, California, 95954
(530) 877-4971
Visit Website

Par­adise Lake cov­ers an area of 244 acres and is sur­round­ed by beau­ti­ful wood­ed land and has a shore­line of 7.5 miles. It is one of two reser­voirs which stores water for the com­mu­ni­ty of Par­adise. Because it is water sup­ply for the pub­lic, it is strict­ly regulated.

The lake is open dai­ly, except for Wednes­days, from 5am to sun­set dai­ly for bik­ing, hik­ing, walk­ing, and fish­ing from shore or by boat. Dogs not allowed.

Rules and reg­u­la­tions, park­ing, and more infor­ma­tion can be found at the Par­adise Recre­ation and Parks Dis­trict (PRPD ). Dai­ly fees apply. No annu­al pass­es are avail­able at this time.
