Paradise Family Adventure Museums

Paradise Depot Museum

  • Paradise Community Park, 5570 Black Olive Dr, Paradise, CA 95969
(530) 413-9129
Visit Website

Locat­ed at the Par­adise Com­mu­ni­ty Park, the Par­adise Depot Muse­um is focused on the his­to­ry of the Butte Coun­ty Rail­road and the log­ging indus­try on the Par­adise Ridge. It is a sis­ter muse­um to Par­adis­e’s Gold Nugget Muse­um.

His­to­ry of the Par­adise Depot

The Par­adise Depot opened in March 1904, one of four depots of the Butte Coun­ty Rail Road, built to serve Dia­mond Match Com­pa­ny oper­a­tions in Stir­ling City and Bar­ber (Chico). BCRR soon added pas­sen­ger and car­go ser­vices and Par­adise became the busiest depot on the route. It formed the heart of a new down­town” and was the engine of eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment for the town, par­tic­u­lar­ly through the mar­ket­ing of produce.

A famous wreck occurred in 1909, when a new engi­neer lost con­trol com­ing down from Mag­a­lia. The crash occurred between Pear­son and Neal Roads, killing two peo­ple. Oper­at­ed by South­ern Pacif­ic after 1912, the last train went through in 1974. Tracks were removed by SP and the roadbed now serves as a memo­r­i­al rails-to-trails” path for bik­ers and hikers.

Paradise Depot Museum