Chico Hiking

One Mile Recreation Area

  • One Mile Recreation Area, South Park Drive, Chico, CA, USA
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One Mile Recre­ation Area is locat­ed with­in Low­er Bid­well Park, just a few blocks from Down­town Chico and eas­i­ly acces­si­ble from East 4th Street. Enjoy swim­ming at Sycamore Pool, bar­be­cues, soft­ball, horse­shoe pits and more. The extent of One Mile is from Pine Street to High­way 99, although the walking/​biking trails extend beyond the highway


For those inter­est­ed in unique swim­ming spots, the Sycamore Pool, locat­ed at the One Mile Recre­ation Area, is a con­crete pool built around Big Chico Creek, which makes for a unique swim­ming expe­ri­ence. Life­guards are on duty from Memo­r­i­al Day week­end to Labor Day week­end each year at the pool. 

When swim­ming in Big Chico Creek, be sure to use cau­tion: water that may appear to be shal­low and/​or slow mov­ing can actu­al­ly be swift and pow­er­ful, so stay in areas where there is no white water. When pos­si­ble, swim with friends. Also, as with all oth­er activ­i­ties, bring enough drink­ing water to stay hydrated.


One Mile Recre­ation has lots of easy paths lead­ing to and from the main swim­ming area and is a per­fect spot for a relax­ing walk through the abun­dant trees.

Pic­nic Areas

Pic­nic areas for large par­ties and events can be reserved by call­ing the Chico Park Divi­sion at (530) 8967800.

Sycamore Pool at One Mile Recreation Area
Gunnar Loveland