Oroville Agritourism & Locally Grown Farms

Mt. Ida Mandarin Ranch

  • 845 Mt Ida Rd, Oroville, CA 95966
(530) 589-5799
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Mt. Ida Man­darin Ranch in Oroville sells great tast­ing, seed­less Sat­suma man­darins dur­ing the Novem­ber through Decem­ber man­darin sea­son. The orchard offers three vari­eties of Sat­sumas on the prop­er­ty, and the Owari man­darins are the vari­ety it ships in their gift pack­ages. They are very sweet, easy to peel, and excel­lent for eat­ing or juic­ing. All of the man­darins are tree-ripened, hand-picked, and shipped the day they come off the tree. Mt. Ida Man­darin Ranch does not use any arti­fi­cial ripen­ers and does not refrig­er­ate the fruit, ensur­ing the best and fresh­est nat­u­ral­ly ripened fruit available.

Check the web­site every fall to get the lat­est infor­ma­tion on this year’s har­vest sea­son, exact open­ing dates, and availability.

Man­darin Hol­i­day Gift Packages

Year after year, the Mt. Ida Man­darin Ranch has been the source for bags of man­darins and great hol­i­day gift pack­ages. Bags and gift box­es of man­darins are avail­able for pur­chase at the pack­ing house. Gift box­es can also be pur­chased online and shipped nation­wide. Each pack­age of man­darins is care­ful­ly packed with the high­est qual­i­ty fruit from the orchard. The man­darins are tree ripened for best fla­vor, and near flaw­less con­di­tion. Each box includes a greet­ing card with the recip­i­en­t’s name and the per­son­al mes­sage from the sender. The back of the greet­ing card includes rec­om­mend­ed care instruc­tions for the mandarins. 

Box­es come in 5‑pound, 12-pound, 16-pound, and 25-pound options.

Where to Buy Mt. Ida Mandarins

Dur­ing the annu­al har­vest sea­son, which starts in Novem­ber, vis­i­tors can pur­chase fresh man­darins on site at Mt. Ida Man­darin Ranch’s Oroville farm. Man­darins can also be pur­chased online  — online orders open in Octo­ber for ship­ment in Novem­ber and Decem­ber. Mt. Ida man­darins are also some­times stocked at select Butte Coun­ty retail­ers; check their Face­book for infor­ma­tion on stores sell­ing the mandarins.
