Oroville Getaway Artist Wineries

Live Vine Vineyard & Winery

  • 743 Luds Way, Oroville, CA 95965
(530) 566-4259
Visit Website

LIVE VINE Vine­yard & Win­ery is a fam­i­ly-run micro-win­ery sur­round­ed by vine­yards and the Ther­mal­i­to After­bay, cre­at­ing a tran­quil set­ting for sip­ping the lat­est LIVE VINE release. Every­thing is done on-site from ground-to-bot­tle, and only 300 cas­es of wine are pro­duced annually.


LIVE VINE wines are aged in stain­less steel tanks or oak bar­rels, with wine releas­es vary­ing by vari­ety, year, and qual­i­ty. Some wines are best con­sumed young while oth­ers are not ready for bot­tling for many months, but all are vint­ed with metic­u­lous care. 

The vine­yard con­sists of numer­ous Rhone vari­etals includ­ing Grenache, Mourve­dre, Syrah, and their favorite, Viog­nier. Oth­er pop­u­lar vari­etals plant­ed include Bar­bera and Zin­fan­del. Spend an after­noon on the patio, meet the wine­mak­ers, and try your hand at horseshoes.

Ciders and Meads

In addi­tion to its range of wines, LIVE VINE also vints hard ciders and meads, such as a dry and sweet apple vari­ety and man­darin cider. The ciders ciders are car­bon­at­ed and aver­age 7.5% alco­hol. They are avail­able in both a 500ml bot­tle as well as on tap at the winery.

LIVE VINE’s meads are done in a light and play­ful style, and infused with hops and fin­ished with oak. Both the Hopped Up Viking (9.6% ABV) and the Nomad (7.5% ABV) are a nice alter­na­tives to tra­di­tion­al wines.

Event Venue

Look­ing for a relax­ing venue for an upcom­ing birth­day, anniver­sary, or oth­er occa­sion? LIVE VINE may be exact­ly what you’re look­ing for. Their out­door venue pro­vides an inti­mate set­ting for up to 60 guests or full capac­i­ty up to 150