Oroville Museums

Lake Oroville Visitor Center

  • 917 Kelly Ridge Rd, Oroville, CA 95966
(530) 538-2219

The Lake Oroville Vis­i­tor Cen­ter com­plex atop Kel­ly Ridge over­looks the Lake Oroville and Oroville Dam. It fea­tures inter­pre­tive dis­plays, an audio-visu­al room where films about the dam and sur­round­ing area are shown through­out each day. The vis­i­tor cen­ter dis­plays fea­ture a his­to­ry of the Dam con­struc­tion and State Water Project as well as a his­toric view of the Native Peo­ple that inhab­it the Lake Oroville Area. A 47-foot view­ing tow­er allows the vis­i­tor the oppor­tu­ni­ty to have a panoram­ic view of the dam and beau­ti­ful Lake.

Lake Oroville Vis­i­tor Cen­ter has a muse­um, var­i­ous exhibits, and oth­er mul­ti­me­dia. The view from the 47-foot tow­er, with two high-pow­ered tele­scopes, is a spec­tac­u­lar panoram­ic view of the lake, Sier­ra Nevadas, val­ley, foothills, and the Sut­ter Buttes moun­tain range (small­est in the world).

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