• LaRocca Vineyards Tasting Room, 222 W 2nd St, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 899-9463
Visit Website

With his Mas­ter Organ­ic Grow­er skills, Philip LaRoc­ca and his fam­i­ly farm 100 acres of estate-grown grapes in For­est Ranch, CA. The pris­tine vine­yard looks over Butte Creek Canyon with a view to the val­ley and Sut­ter Buttes. At an ele­va­tion of 2,600 feet, they are seclud­ed with clean high-moun­tain well water. The wines show­case rich fla­vors pro­duced from low yields, small clus­ter, high skin-to-juice ratio, ide­al for con­cen­trat­ed yet bal­anced wines with intense vari­etal char­ac­ter­is­tics and crat­ed with no chem­i­cals or sul­fites.

The LaRoc­ca fam­i­ly’s pas­sion for wine and life is what com­pels them to strive for supe­ri­or qual­i­ty. They are proud of their organ­ic grow­ing prac­tices and organ­ic wine mak­ing skills. Today the LaRoc­ca fam­i­ly feels their great­est reward is the over­all excep­tion­al qual­i­ty of LaRoc­ca Vine­yards wines.

The wine they pro­duce is veg­an and USDA/CCOF cer­ti­fied organ­ic from vine-to-bot­tle, no sul­fites added. They are now pio­neers in the indus­try, hav­ing pro­duced the first-ever Meth­ode Cham­p­enoise organ­ic sparkling wine, with no sulfites.

LaRoc­ca Down­town Chico Tast­ing Room

LaRoc­ca is proud to bring local wines to their con­ve­nient Down­town Chico loca­tion on West 2nd for all to enjoy. Vis­i­tors from every­where are wel­come to come taste a true organ­ic wine expe­ri­ence! Get the lat­est updates on events and offer­ings at the tast­ing room on LaRoc­ca’s Face­book page .
