• 1005 Liberty Ln, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 521-5837
Visit Website

Run by first-gen­er­a­tion farm­ers, L&T Farms offers a sea­son­al farm stand, u‑pick peach­es, nec­tarines, and cher­ries in the sum­mer, and an Octo­ber pump­kin patch.

L&T Farms believes food should be fresh and tastes best straight from the farm, so get ready for your next vis­it! Check their web­site, Face­book , or Insta­gram for the most up-to-date infor­ma­tion on sea­son­al hours and pro­duce availability.


L&T Farms is locat­ed at the bend in the road of Lib­er­ty Lane. 

Please park in the park­ing lot or pull into the wal­nut orchard down the grav­el dri­ve (one car per row so as not to block oth­ers in). Please dri­ve slow for the safe­ty of oth­ers and to help reduce dust.

l&t farms