Oroville Family Adventure

Barry R. Kirshner Wildlife Sanctuary

  • 4995 Durham-Pentz Rd, Oroville, CA 95965
(530) 533-1000
Visit Website

The Bar­ry R. Kir­sh­n­er Wildlife Sanc­tu­ary is home to a vari­ety of non-releasable, endan­gered, and exot­ic live ani­mals. The mis­sion of the Kir­sh­n­er Wildlife Sanc­tu­ary is to edu­cate the pub­lic about the care and preser­va­tion of all wildlife and their habi­tats, both local­ly and glob­al­ly. It is their belief that through hands-on expe­ri­ence with the ani­mals of the Kir­sh­n­er Wildlife Sanc­tu­ary, as well as through edu­ca­tion­al pro­grams, the pub­lic will become more enlight­ened about the impor­tance of wildlife and their habi­tats, and prac­tice respon­si­ble own­er­ship of com­pan­ion animals.

The Kir­sh­n­er Wildlife Sanc­tu­ary a 501 ©(3) non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion found­ed in 1994. Locat­ed in Butte Coun­ty, just east of Butte Col­lege, it is the only orga­ni­za­tion of its kind from the San Fran­cis­co Bay area to the Ore­gon state line. 

About the Animals

To pro­mote aware­ness on a local scale, the Kir­sh­n­er Wildlife Sanc­tu­ary hous­es a vari­ety of species, includ­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tives from all across the globe. 

Some of their native species include Moun­tain Lions, Bob­cats, Coy­otes, Fox­es, Great Horned Owls and Hawks. 

Glob­al rep­re­sen­ta­tives include African and Asi­at­ic Leop­ards, Ben­gal and Siber­ian Tigers, Lions, Ligers, Ser­vals, Lynx, Cara­cals, Snow and Cloud­ed Leop­ards, and Ocelots. The Kir­sh­n­er Wildlife Sanc­tu­ary is also home to Coa­t­imundis, Fen­nec Fox­es, a Ring-tailed Lemur, a Wal­la­by, Black Bears, and an assort­ment of exot­ic birds and rep­tiles, includ­ing Burmese Pythons, an Alli­ga­tor and an assort­ment of Tortoises.

Each ani­mal is housed in an enclo­sure that far exceeds state and fed­er­al regulations. 

Barry R. Kirshner Wildlife Sanctuary