Chico Family Adventure Bakeries & Sweets

Jon & Bon's Yogurt Shoppe

  • 300 Broadway St a1, Chico, CA 95928
    • 1722 Mangrove Ave #26, Chico, CA 95926
    • 2485 Notre Dame Blvd #450, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 899-9580
Visit Website

Jon & Bön’s Yogurt Shoppe is a fam­i­ly owned group of ice cream and dessert shops in Chico, CA serv­ing deli­cious frozen yogurt in a vari­ety of unique fla­vors that change dai­ly (check their web­site for fla­vor updates ). Some of their most pop­u­lar fla­vors include: Choco­late Over­load, French Vanil­la, Cook­ies & Cream, Choco­late Peanut But­ter Cup, Tart Black­ber­ry, Salt­ed Caramel Lat­te, Birth­day Cake, Irish Mint, and No Sug­ar Added options!

In addi­tion to fro-yo, they serve ice cream, smooth­ies, and shaved ice. They offer a huge selec­tion of top­pings to cus­tomize your treats with, includ­ing home-made gra­nola, choco­late and white choco­late chips, yogurt chips, M&Ms, Kit-Kats, But­terfin­gers, choco­late rocks, Ore­os, and much, much more! 

Jon & Bön’s is a pop­u­lar hang­out in the evenings, as it is one of the few estab­lish­ments open late in Chico besides the bars. Stop by and treat yourself!
