• 13464 Browns Valley Dr, Chico, CA 95973
    • 2420 Park Ave., Chico, CA 95973
(530) 965-7281
Visit Website

Gold­en Beaver Dis­tillery makes qual­i­ty hand­craft­ed spir­its root­ed in tra­di­tion­al Amer­i­can recipes using local­ly grown rice, corn, wheat, rye and bar­ley. With each bot­tle sold, the Gold­en Beaver Dis­tillery will donate a por­tion of the pro­ceeds to restore beaver habi­tat across the Sier­ra Neva­da and the West­ern Unit­ed States.

Find their spir­its here .

Park Avenue Still House

Enjoy tast­ings and a lim­it­ed food menu at their Park Avenue Still House . Savor deli­cious craft cock­tails or shop their spir­its and gifts in the shop.

Address: 2420 Park Avenue, Chico

Golden Beaver Distillery