• 555 Avacado Rd, Oroville, CA 95966
(530) 603-1501
Visit Website

Cob­ble Ridge Dis­tillery is ded­i­cat­ed to tru­ly arti­sanal craft spir­its, craft­ing moon­shine, brandy, and rum in the north­ern extreme of Cal­i­for­ni­a’s Sier­ra Foothills near Ban­gor. Their phi­los­o­phy is sim­ple: Find the best local­ly sourced ingre­di­ents and main­tain a close eye on every step of the pro­duc­tion process — from field to flask.

All of their spir­its are run through in small batch­es to ensure the best qual­i­ty pos­si­ble. Sold exclu­sive­ly online with­in Cal­i­for­nia or from the dis­tillery, they are cer­tain you will enjoy their award-win­ning spirits.

Enjoy their prod­ucts at their tast­ing room on week­ends or join at near­by Hick­man Fam­i­ly Vineyards. 

Check their Face­book for updates on pick­ups and tastings.
