Chico Outdoor Adventurer Birding

Chico Oxidation Ponds Wildlife Sanctuary

  • 4287 Chico River Road, Chico, CA 95928
Visit Website

The Chico Oxi­da­tion Ponds Wildlife Sanc­tu­ary is a home to birds year-round, with the ponds pro­vid­ing sev­er­al dif­fer­ent depths of water — such as pud­dles, shal­low water, and six-inch pools — per­fect for the dif­fer­ent types of birds that land there. The best time of year for bird watch­ing at the Oxi­da­tion Ponds is in the late fall and win­ter, when the con­cen­tra­tion of water­fowl is great­est. Dur­ing this time, the ponds will be full of many species of ducks and, on occa­sion geese. Spring will bring some migrants to the area.

Learn about oth­er bird-watch­ing loca­tions in Butte County.

Trip Tips

The Oxi­da­tion Ponds are no longer open to the pub­lic, but you can enjoy guid­ed trips with the local Alta­cal Audubon Society .

Dur­ing your vis­it, keep your dis­tance from the ponds. Stay on the roads and paths. In the win­ter, it can get very mud­dy, so you may con­sid­er stay­ing on the grav­eled trails when it is mud­dy. Make sure you read the rules at the Kiosk which is at the start of the trail to the ponds.
