• 247 Main St, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 345-2081
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Cel­e­brat­ing over 50 years in busi­ness, Cam­pus Bicy­cles is Chico’s longest con­tin­u­al­ly oper­at­ed bike shop. With great brands, like Trek and Elec­tra, 24 hour ser­vice turn­around, and the best cus­tomer ser­vice in town, come see what makes Cam­pus Bicy­cles Chico’s Most Jovial Bike Shop”! Cam­pus Bicy­cles offers repairs and bike rentals as well as new bikes and gear to pur­chase. Their Down­town Chico loca­tion makes them a con­ve­nient stop for all your bike needs before explor­ing the city on two wheels! Stop in and see what’s new.

Find more resources on City of Chico bike require­ments and oth­er trail-spe­cif­ic infor­ma­tion on Cam­pus Bicy­cle’s web­site .

Gear and Repairs

Cam­pus Bikes is pre­dom­i­nant­ly a Trek deal­er but also stocks Surly, All City, Yuba, and Chico local hand-built bikes. They are the go-to shop in town for all things adven­ture rid­ing and stock and sell grav­el tour­ing bikes, bikepack­ing rigs, and high end moun­tain bikes. Cam­pus Bicy­cles is also a full ser­vice shop, repairs all types of bikes, and sells Bon­trager, Paul, Dyna Plug, and oth­er Chico local brand com­po­nents as well.

Rid­ers can bring their bikes in for a vari­ety of tune-ups com­plet­ed by their tal­ent­ed, on-site tech­ni­cians as well as gen­er­al instal­la­tions and labor. Cam­pus Bicy­cles can also help in bike build­ing for online pur­chas­es and future main­te­nance. Find more infor­ma­tion about Cam­pus Bicy­cle’s com­plete ser­vice offerings .

Wom­en’s Cycling Gear

Cam­pus Bicy­cles car­ries wom­en’s spe­cif­ic sad­dles, cloth­ing, hel­mets and shoes and even have floor pumps deigned by and for a woman. Trek’s WSD (wom­en’s spe­cif­ic design) bikes incor­po­rate a unique geom­e­try cus­tomized for women. WSD bicy­cles are designed to dis­trib­ute a wom­an’s weight more even­ly between hands and hips for a more nat­ur­al and com­fort­able rid­ing posi­tion. The result is more com­fort, more con­fi­dence, more per­for­mance and a whole lot more fun. 
