• 2950 Louis Avenue, Oroville, CA 95966
(530) 534-8320
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Butte View Olive Com­pa­ny sells clas­sic, fresh olive oil in an assort­ment of fla­vors to per­fect­ly com­ple­ment any meal.

Their small oil plant allows them to con­trol the entire pro­duc­tion process, which max­i­mizes the qual­i­ty of their oils and fla­vored oils. The olives are grown and har­vest­ed in Oroville on a 150-acre grove.

Butte View Olive Com­pa­ny was estab­lished in 2000 as an exten­sion of John­son Ranch, a fam­i­ly-owned and oper­at­ed ranch since 1935
