Chico Getaway Artist Gift Shops

Bidwell Supply Company

  • 138 Main St, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 399-3112
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Born out of the Chico expe­ri­ence, need to explore, sus­tain­abil­i­ty, and good design, Bid­well Sup­ply Co. cre­ates Chico- and North­ern Cal­i­for­nia-themed appar­el, bags, and head­wear and also sells hand­made prod­ucts from oth­er local brands and mak­ers. With cloth­ing, acces­sories, can­dles, jew­el­ry, chil­dren’s cloth­ing, house­wares, gourmet foods, soaps, and more, you’ll find the per­fect gift for any occasion.