• 5768 La Porte Rd, Bangor, CA 95914
(530) 679-0867
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At the Ban­gor Ranch Vine­yard & Win­ery, enjoy Caber­net Sauvi­gnon, Caber­net Franc, Petite Syrah and Pri­ma­ti­vo at a his­toric 1850s bar that came from an old Marysville saloon. Ban­gor Ranch is part of the region­al Ban­gor Wine Region.

About the Vine­yard and Wines

The vine­yards at Ban­gor Ranch have been designed to pro­duce opti­mum qual­i­ty fruit using sus­tain­able, low-input farm­ing tech­niques, which means that the grapes will be grown under opti­mum con­di­tions using organ­ic fer­til­iz­ers and a min­i­mal use of chem­i­cals and tillage practices.

Through high-den­si­ty plant­i­ng, Ban­gor Ranch yields supe­ri­or fruit com­pared to the old­er Cal­i­for­nia sprawl” mod­el. With more vines per acre, each plant has to pro­duce less fruit to achieve the same yield per acre, result­ing in grapes with greater inten­si­ty, improved col­or and more com­plex fla­vor pro­files. In com­bi­na­tion with the high-den­si­ty plant­i­ng tech­nique, Ban­gor Ranch uses a Ver­ti­cal Shoot Positioning”-type trel­lis for all vines, which allows for greater leaf and fruit expo­sure to sun­light plus improved air cir­cu­la­tion, result­ing in more even ripen­ing and increased resis­tance to mildew.

Anoth­er strat­e­gy to improve sus­tain­abil­i­ty involves crop diver­si­ty and min­i­mal tillage. Instead of a monocrop of wine grapes sur­round­ed by bare dirt requir­ing fre­quent tillage, the vine­yards at Ban­gor Ranch are designed for diver­si­ty and a more nat­ur­al bal­ance. With this mod­el, our vision offers a wide diver­si­ty of plant and ani­mal life to encour­age nat­ur­al ben­e­fi­cial species and min­i­mize or elim­i­nate the need for her­bi­cides, pes­ti­cides and fuel-inten­sive tillage. 
