About the Vineyard and Wines
The vineyards at Bangor Ranch have been designed to produce optimum quality fruit using sustainable, low-input farming techniques, which means that the grapes will be grown under optimum conditions using organic fertilizers and a minimal use of chemicals and tillage practices.
Through high-density planting, Bangor Ranch yields superior fruit compared to the older “California sprawl” model. With more vines per acre, each plant has to produce less fruit to achieve the same yield per acre, resulting in grapes with greater intensity, improved color and more complex flavor profiles. In combination with the high-density planting technique, Bangor Ranch uses a “Vertical Shoot Positioning”-type trellis for all vines, which allows for greater leaf and fruit exposure to sunlight plus improved air circulation, resulting in more even ripening and increased resistance to mildew.
Another strategy to improve sustainability involves crop diversity and minimal tillage. Instead of a monocrop of wine grapes surrounded by bare dirt requiring frequent tillage, the vineyards at Bangor Ranch are designed for diversity and a more natural balance. With this model, our vision offers a wide diversity of plant and animal life to encourage natural beneficial species and minimize or eliminate the need for herbicides, pesticides and fuel-intensive tillage.