Gridley Family Adventure Entertainment

Back in Time Arcade II

  • 960 Hazel St, Gridley, CA 95948
(530) 979-7821
Visit Website

Back in Time Arcade II in Gri­d­ley is a fam­i­ly owned arcade per­fect for a nos­tal­gic night out. Whether you’re a gamer look­ing for a place to play or sim­ply look­ing to have fun with friends, Back in Time Arcade II is a great option. Enjoy skee-ball, bas­ket­ball, air hock­ey, and of course, clas­sic arcade games.

And if you get hun­gry while you play, you can order piz­za from neigh­bor Our Town Pizze­ria and Deli, which will deliv­er your food right to the arcade’s din­ing area.

How It Works

Open every Fri­day night from 4pm-9pm, Back in Time Arcade II offers open arcade free play for only $10 per per­son. Most games are set on free play (with a few excep­tions), so you don’t need any quar­ters to play as many games as you’d like.

Pri­vate Rentals

Ele­vate your next par­ty with a pri­vate rental of the entire arcade! Pri­vate par­ty rentals are avail­able Saturdays-Thursdays.

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