• 144 Meyers St Suite 140, Chico, CA 95928
(818) 437-4046
Visit Website

All the Bit­ter cre­ates clas­si­cal­ly inspired, alco­hol-free cock­tail bit­ters made with organ­ic, func­tion­al botan­i­cals. Whether you’re drink­ing alco­hol, cut­ting back, tee­to­talling, or just curi­ous, All the Bit­ter is a per­fect addi­tion to any drink.

Tast­ing Room & Bot­tle Shop

Vis­i­tors to the All the Bit­ter Tast­ing Room & Bot­tle Shop can see where and how they craft their non-alco­holic cock­tail bit­ters, sam­ple a vari­ety of drinks, and explore an excit­ing selec­tion of non-alco­holic beer, wine, spir­its, and cock­tails. It’s a space where peo­ple can learn about the grow­ing world of non-alco­holic bev­er­ages and dis­cov­er how bit­ters can enhance both fla­vor and well­ness. You’ll also find one of the largest selec­tions of NA wines, beers, and spir­its in the North State, plus edu­cat­ed staff eager to talk about all the options and how best to enjoy them.

About the Bitters

Each bot­tle is packed with 2 – 3x more raw botan­i­cals than tra­di­tion­al alco­holic bit­ters to ensure that your drinks are loaded with intense fla­vor and func­tion­al benefit.

Every batch is made by hand from start to fin­ish with organ­ic and wild-for­aged ingre­di­ents. They are free from all major aller­gens, and are veg­an and gluten-free, with no added fla­vors, sug­ars, col­ors, preser­v­a­tives, or GMOs.